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I had been fascinated with mutant food products for quite some time when I inherited the minimarket my parents ran. It probably wasn't the best idea for a small store in a small town to stock mutant products, but I did right alongside all the other things a minimarket typically has. The town I lived in wasn't really open to new things, but the store gave me a comfortable life regardless.

One day I was leaning against the counter thinking back on how this fascination even started. It was several years ago when I was only 13. A new girl had transferred to our school, Willow, and she was the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen. She stood out though, and was bullied a lot. Her small horns were easy enough to hide if she styled her hair right, but her three breasts were a bit more noticeable.

Of course everyone treated her differently because of her mutations.The only time the girls acknowledged her was to sneer at her, and the boys were even more vocal about their dislike. Having been the subject of bullying myself at one point, I knew how bad it felt and I decided to stand up for her. The act got me more than just a few bruises, but I had no regrets. It didn't take too long before Willow became my best friend, and that's when she started to share secrets with me.

We were just hanging out one afternoon, enjoying some snacks in the park when it started. She'd ordered a coffee while I just had a soda. "Ack this is too strong!" she said after taking a sip of the hot liquid.

"I could go grab some sugar from the store if you want. That might help," I offered.

Willow shook her head and glanced around us making sure we were all alone. Then she lifted her shirt and slid the cup under it. A moment later she pulled it back out, the dark liquid several shades lighter. "I got it covered," she giggled. I blinked rapidly as I realized what she'd done. "Promise not to tell anyone and I'll let you try some." She offered the cup up to me and I took a sip without hesitation. I'd never had coffee that tasted so good, and I knew it wasn't the beans that were used to make it that made it so great.

That was it, the beginning of my addiction.

From then on during lunch Willow would slip me a bottle of white liquid. I cherished it as I guzzled it. Her and I were getting closer, too. So much so that one day I asked her to be my girlfriend. My heart dropped when I heard her response though.

"I'm sorry, Ryan. I didn't know how to tell you, but we're moving away tomorrow. My dad got transferred out to Port Solei. My parents say it's good not only for him, but for me, too. Port Solei is a much more progressive town than this is, and mutants aren't looked down on there." Her voice was a little sad, but I could tell she was excited as well. I was happy for her, too. She needed to be in a place where she could thrive.

Unfortunately, as sometimes happens when people move, we lost contact with each other. On top of the sadness of losing a dear friend, I began to go through what I could only call withdrawals. Eventually I turned to the internet and found I could actually order various mutant products. I began ordering mutant farm milk, mutant eggs, and pretty much anything else I could find. When it came time to take over the family business I began stocking a section of the store with these products, even though I was really the only consumer of them.

I was just thinking about getting some mutant milk when the doorbell jarred me out of my memories and brought me back to the present. I shook my head and glanced over to the doorway to see if I knew who had walked in. To say I was surprised to see a mutant standing there was an understatement. To my knowledge there weren't any mutants living in my little town currently. Even in the dim light of the store I could see her two heads were absolutely beautiful, and to me the backwards facing horns each had only enhanced their beauty. Her body was curvy and looked very soft. I couldn't help noticing her four arms, but especially her six breasts. They made me think back to Willow and the delicious milk her three breasts produced.

Her hips swayed a bit when she walked towards me with huge smiles on both of her heads. "Hello, are you the owner of this little shop?" both heads asked me at the same time.

"O-oh uh yeah, I am. Welcome! Sorry I've just never seen conjoined twins in person before," I couldn't help blushing a bit.

One of her heads laughed while the other responded, "Who me? Oh I'm just one woman with two heads, not twins. Thought I understand how someone could mistake me for such."

My blush deepened. "Oh, sorry! Anyway, how can I help you?"

"Well, I'm looking for a job. You see I heard that your shop is the only one around that sells mutant products, and I was wondering if you'd be interested in buying some of the best mutant produced milk," she said with a wide smile.

I struggled to find words and when I did I stammered through them. "Y-yes I am! Do you have any samples?" I barely had to ask before she handed me a small bottle. It somehow felt a little nostalgic and made me flash back to Willow. I took a sip and as the liquid flooded my mouth memories flooded my mind. I remembered this taste, I'd know it anywhere. It was what got me hooked on mutant products to begin with! My heart was racing when I finally stopped drinking and for a moment I just stared at her. "Willow?"

"I'm sorry, do I know you?" She looked at me a little closer, all four of her eyes studying me. "Wait...Ryan?! Oh my god!" I didn't think she could smile any brighter than she already had been, but somehow she did. She ran behind the counter as fast as her heels would carry her and wrapped all four of her arms around me in a tight hug. "Oh god it's so good to see you!"

I hugged her back. "You can't imagine how much I missed you, Willow. I thought I'd never see you again." I was so happy to see her again I was nearly crying.

As soon as we let go of each other I closed the shop and we went for a long walk to catch up with one another. I told her my story about how I'd inherited the shop, had a few bad relationships, and led a relatively boring life. And she told me how she'd mutated for the second time at 17 and then went on to study at AHS. It helped her gain confidence in her own body, and eventually she got married. However, her husband didn't support her in wanting to sell her milk so they'd divorced a month ago. That's what brought her back here. Her parents still had property here and she'd have a place to live while she got her business going.

"I notice the city seems to be a little more accepting of mutants these days," she said as we walked along a shady path. "Though I'm clearly more mutated now than I was before.

"Yeah, it is," I said. "Hey, I'm curious about something. Was it hard, you know, mutating and growing an extra head and arms and b-breasts?" My blush returned.

She thought for a second. "The breasts and arms weren't that strange. I'd already had three breasts, so what was another three after all. The head though was different. I didn't really grow an extra head. Instead mine just split in two. It felt like nothing more than a really bad migraine, but it was very unnerving."

"What made you decide to sell your milk?"

"It's hard to explain," one of her heads said. "I guess you could say you are the reason. The way your face lit up when you drank my milk back in the day, I wanted to bring that smile to other people's face. If my milk could do that then why not sell it?"

I nodded. "I understand. At least from the consumer side. Your milk is very delicious."

Both of her heads smiled at me. "I'm glad I found you again," one of them said.

"Probably not as happy as I am," I glanced over at her. The sun was breaking through some of the leaves, kissing her skin. "And you are more than welcome to work with me in the minimarket. I admit I wouldn't mind having more of your milk from time to time."

"Mmmmm," both heads said as she stroked her chins. "Well maybe," she leaned closer and whispered in both my ears at the same time, "you could just drink straight from the source this time."

I'd never blushed so hard in my life, but the sound of laughter from both her heads was music to my ears. I was going to love having her as a coworker.




I guess I’ll be 1st(and not last) to say this but I think we(your patrons) would definitely want part 2 and 3 and so on to this =]