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Hi! my dear mutants. I'm on the verge of sending out the May magazine for those who were my $ 15 + patreons that month. But first I would like to ask some questions to share a little more.

If you were in the Accessverse, you would like to:


Tsu Aloe Vera

Man that’s a tough one. I mean I like the idea of fusion, but I’m not sure how it would happen.


I've had such a vivid picture of who I'd wish to be in Accessverse for a long time now! 3 Legs, 1 vagina and 1 penis in between each with no testicles 4 Arms, 6 Fingers on each Hand 1 Row of Three Breasts I'd also love the idea of just my penises being stretchy and prehensile : ) Much Love Access!


I'd be down for some very freaky transformations multi-boob chief among them. And I'd definitely be looking too attract fellow mutants.


well, I shall give it a try to desribe myself as a mutant girl... imagine Rin Tohsaka from Fate/Stay, but with white hair and red eyes, also being a dragon girl, having horns and a tail as well as being detachable (Brittany is one of my favorites)


Single head, lots of limbs. The more the better


Less means more! Would definitely want to mutate and become compact - swb with long legs, a horse tail (allowing me to use as a limb) with two different colored eyes. Use my legs as a way to attract other mutants for a potential relationship. Would enjoy a four legged swb taut as a girlfriend or going out with a fellow swb as well. Detachable mutants are also a plus. Maybe find that one swb girl who was seen very very early on at accessland high school.


Always loved the idea of partial mitosis resulting in having two heads with slightly different personlities so we'd go with that Edit: it'd also be pretty nice to have an extra pair of arms because we never seem to have enough Oh and being able to lactate, because who doesn't want to be their own drinks dispenser?


conjoined girl friend


Extreme mutation like alien girlfriend/queen


Always thought of being humantaur with second pair of breasts, 4 arms, 3rd eye, penis, and vagina. GF would be too.


WARNING: WALL OF TEXT I got a little carried away… I’d love to be a humantaur girl with a humantaur girlfriend. We’d both have 5 legs: two front legs and three rear legs, I’d have a vagina between my front legs, she would have a penis, and we’d both be futa in the back (two of both for each of us). We would have extra arms, both right below our original pair, and another pair right behind our front legs; I would have a trio of breasts below my original pair and another pair below those (hexagonal shape), and a set of 3 breasts in front of my rear legs, while she would have her original breasts be a row of 3, a pair below that, and another row of 3 below those (hourglass shape), and a pair of breasts in front of her rear legs, and we would both have twin sets of two hair tails each… very complicated! But we would fit together perfectly. but that’s just one of three ideal forms! Other two are: futa snake lady, and futa elastic girl. For the snake lady, I would have an incredibly long forked tongue and tail, and vagina with a retractable opening on the other side that leads to my massive tail cavity; I can essentially fit my entire tail inside myself; my vagina would almost “unhinge” in a way when I do this and become tall and wide enough to fit my tail. For the elastic girl, I would love to also be moldable, meltable, and nbm; I could even mold myself into the humantaur form from eariler, or into a snake girl, but fleshy and not scaly. I could even be a combination of all three! Just add a snake tail and tongue to my humantaur form and make me elastic. Also, it would be amazing to be able to fuse with my girlfriend in all sorts of ways… from simple two heads in one of the forms above to more interesting fusions both along our sides, and end-to-end. I would love to be any of these, and it’s impossible to pick a favorite…


This might be a sort of a cheaty answer, but I would want a girl who is modular/capable of morphing, so she can take different forms. Why just be limited to one? (lol)


I'd like to be a mutant, but hard to say what I'd like to look like, other than conjoined. I'd definitely like a shared body. Two or three heads, or two upper bodies, or an "upside down" mirrored pair of joined bodies.


I would so be my self named character Mira. I have wanted to be her for such a long time. I made her ages ago. Back when I first started out in the multi genre. Two side by side torsos splitting apart just above the pelvis. Three breasts on each torso. Two minds that operate much the same as Antonella's in my two heads with pink purple hair. And even though I am one girl, with my two minds I often refer to myself as us and we quite interchangeably with me and I. This has been a dream of mine for a long time and have gone through many iterations and versions. She sits around here right now. https://i.imgur.com/MJ12JIG.png Though I am redesigning her hair some and she has larger breasts than that. Oh and of course we would have a mutant girlfriend or girlfriends too. I already know who we would ask out too.

Master of Muffin

I'd want to be the mutant girl. Specifically a modular humantaur, whose body split into 4 interchangeable parts: the head and neck, the top torso, with two large breasts with eyes in place of nipples and a mouth where the front pussy would be, the second torso with handfeet, an eye on its collarbone, 4 breasts (2 of which are capped by mouths) and a futa dick/pussy combo (no balls), and the last piece being legs, buttocks, and anus. Basically, with the exception of the legs and butt, every part has its own mouth and eyes, and with the exception of the head, each part has a means of locomotion. I can wear 1 torso and leave the other at home to appear as a normal girl, or strap one torso to my back to fit itno places not made for humantaurs.


GF with three breasts, anything else could be up for debate. <3


I'd like to have a gf with three heads and radically different personalities.


For now, Melany from MR, but with detachable limbs. But that could change.


Being a morpher mutant girl with a morpher mutant girlfriend.


I would love to be a mutant girl conjoined to an other one. We would have two heads, four arms and four legs with the front having a vagina and the back a penis. We would be able to fuck ourselves. We would also have conjoined futanari girls as girlfriends who would have three heads, six arms and two penises with a vagina between them.^^


I'd like to be a mutant, really simple, four arms, four breasts, and a futa.


I'd probably want to either have my head attached to my crotch, or have a second pair of feet for hands, or both. can' say for sure what I'd want for my GF though


Have always valued multitasking and getting the most out of every waking moment, and that's definitely influenced what I would like to be as an accessverse mutant: 2 heads with a single consciousness, 4 arms and 4 boobs. Times 4 - meaning having 4 identical bodies each with that configuration, all controlled by a single consciousness. As for my girlfriend, well, I'm not particular. Though I must admit, the thought of a girlfriend with 2 (or more) "fronts" is appealing when you have multiple bodies.


Definitely would want to be a two-headed buff amazon, with three legs and three breasts. Same for my girlfriend. Strong girls are amazing <3


Accidental fusion with girlfriend for a 4-armed two-headed futa form. And we end up with a 2-headed futa girlfriend


I'd want to be a more standard two head, four arms mutant girl, but not a shared consciousness, instead I'd rather it be a clone head without any way of knowing which is the original. A tail would be nice too.


I'd have a mutant girlfriend, which would be a hydra-taur. A feminine torso would make up the body, with four breasts and a large tail. From where the head would normally be, three naga-like body protrude from it, each with four breasts, four arms, white hair, and blue eyes.


For myself, I’d be a two headed mutant with the same consciousness. Slowly over time the two heads would become slightly different but would still be me. I would also have 6 arms and 2 large breasts. Lastly I’d be a futa with no balls but a vagina underneath my big dick. My gf would also have multiple heads; I’m thinking they would be conjoined triplets. They would also have 6 arms and would have a pair of breasts for each pair of arms.


I've already illustrated how I'd want to exist in the Accessverse: more of an amorphous regenerating lump of flesh that can physically shape myself humanoid than a rigid human; a combination of modular, malleable, and goo girl. Maybe a bit more on the reshaping side than past illustrations, to indulge my polymorphic urges. I'd still be able to donate my excess parts to others, of course: I love sharing the weird. My girlfriend has a few ideas spinning around in her head, but one that is sticking is being a catgirl humantaur, with four arms and four breasts. Likely something where the front half (upper body and what would be the front legs) are two of her upper bodies joined in a queen conjoinment, with a pair of legs sticking out the back.


Never figured I'd run into you here. I don't know if you are, but if you are the chatting type, what medium do you like to use?