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Story by Leena (@MyLifeIsARPG)

“What do you mean you can’t help?” Emma said, screaming at the top of her lungs to the officer. “Mary has been mission for weeks now!”

The officer distractedly tapped on her keyboard. “You filed a missing persons report. We will contact you if we figure out anything else.” She didn’t even make eye contact. It was as if she didn’t even care.

“What if she’s dead by then!” Emma said pounding her fist on the desk and tapping her middle leg nervously. It had grown in just in the past few days. Mary would have loved to see it. She was so into mutations. But there was nothing. No answers to texts. No picking up the phone. No answering her door… and her mail was piling up. She couldn’t have skipped town… she wouldn’t have! Not after a little fight. They fought before but they always made up.

“The department is doing the best they can but we have a lot of work to get through,” the officer said in a bored monotone voice. “We will inform you if anything new comes up.”

“She’s not just a statistic dammit!” Emma said, tears almost forming in her eyes. “She’s my friend and you ae just going to let her disappear off the face of the planet because you have better things to do?”

“Do you have any idea how many missing mutants requests we get?” The officer said, finally taking notice. “Tons. This ain’t Port Solei kid. Even in the hippie dippiest towns in America you are gonna find some wacko that’s gonna hate you because you look different. We have six, SIX missing mutant cases this month and they never end well. And you think that we have the time and effort to send all our force on a wild goose chase looking for your junkie friend?”

“She… she’s not a mutant…” Emma said, her voice lowering to a meek whisper.

“If she’s a mutagen junkie, she might as well be.” She sighed. “Look kid, I don’t want to be the bearer of bad news, but junkies go missing all the time. They bring it on themselves. Do you have any idea how much they will do for their next hit? Maybe she escaped over the border to get her mutagen fix cheaper, I don’t know. All I know is, your story ain’t new, and it ain’t special. Muta-junkie goes a little too far, gets in with the mob, and falls off the map. Don’t you think we’d have taken down the whole ring if we could have by now. They’re big. Way bigger than just us and way bigger than you.”

Emma bit her lower lip and held in her tears. The officer sighed a heavy sigh and turned back to her monitor. “Look, person to person? I’d make peace with it. Your friend isn’t coming back.”

Emma turned and walked out of the station. She felt like no one was going to help her. No one cared about Mary. No one but her.

… but she wasn’t going to let Mary disappear. Not like this. If she was ever going to see Mary again… she would have to save her herself.



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