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The sun beat down giving us another warm sunny day in Port Solei. Lisa was sitting on a rock near our small pool, sunning herself in a little bikini. She looked like she was far away in thought.

"Lisa, is something wrong?" I asked as I approached, snapping her out of her trance.

She jumped a little, seemingly startled by my voice. "Oh, John you startled me!" She flashed me her cute smile before continuing on. "Nah. I was just thinking about my 'powers'." Lisa had discovered that her turtle-like ability to insert her head and limbs into her body was very special. It allowed her to reposition and even duplicate her body parts. I still remember when I made love to her when she had four arms, four legs, and two heads; or how surprised everyone in the park looked at us when I went on a date with a four-legged Lisa.

"If you're curious, why not get some tests done? There are some great labs that focus on mutant studies here in Port Solei," I said as I sat down beside her.

She looked away, her eyes fixed on the water as she kicked her feet in it. "Yeah, I've seen them advertised. Especially that one with the little bearded dwarf guy, but I...I just don't want to go to a lab. I'm not really interested in knowing HOW my powers work. I know that they do and that's enough for me."

"So then what are you worried about?"

Lisa smiled mischievously. "I'll tell you later. Right now I want to see if something works. Wait here for me. Absolutely no peaking!" She instructed as she got up and ran off to the dressing room.

I sat there, head swimming with all the possibilities of things she could be up to. Lisa was adventurous and was into trying all sorts of things, so it was hard telling what she had in mind now. After a couple minutes, I heard Lisa moan loudly. The dressing room was off the side of the house, next to the pool, but it was still a little bit of a shock to hear a moan this loud. What on earth could she be doing? I itched to get up and go see, but thought better of it. She told me to wait for her to call me over, and excited as I was to see what she was doing I was going to listen to her.

"Yes, it worked!! JOHN! COME SEE!" Lisa called out eventually.

The fact that I heard two voices caught my attention. Lisa had multiplied her head before, so the idea that she'd done so again wasn't all that strange, but when I walked into the dressing room I certainly was shocked. There before me stood two separate Lisa's joined only by a small fleshy connection on her arm. One of them was dressed in a bikini, and I assumed that one was the original. The other was completely naked.

"Lisa, what the... WOW," I said completely speechless.

"I tried to pull a whole body out of my left arm," said the Lisa on the right, the one I assumed was the original. "But it seems I can't completely detach her."

“This is still very cool, though! It's like having a twin sister,” said the left Lisa.

"This ... is really unbelievable!" I said completely stunned. "This shouldn't even be possible." I couldn’t tell if I was more shocked or excited. "It's so hard to believe."

"Wait," the original Lisa said. Both the duplicate Lisa and I were silent as we watched her pull her right arm into her body, the appendage disappearing entirely. She closed her eyes and grunted, her right shoulder pulsing a little. It looked like she was straining, trying to push something out. And then she did. Her shoulder started growing and stretching as a new pair of feet slowly emerged from it. A pair of legs soon followed, then hips and a torso, and finally a neck and head all appeared with great loud slurps. Lisa had duplicated herself yet again!

"I could make a cancan line like this," said the original Lisa, though her voice was clearly tired. All three of them giggled.

"Apparently this is also a bit exhausting," I said looking at the three of them. "Creating a full body must take a lot of energy."

"Needless to say," the original Lisa said, "I don't think I can make another body right now. Although I do have energy left for something else."

All three of them gave me wicked smiles as the duplicate Lisas lifted the original off the ground, scooping their arms under her legs and spreading them. From inside her vagina, a hand extended and pushed her bikini bottom completely off, tossing it to the ground before motioning at me to come a little closer.

Jeez, this is going to be amazing, I thought as I happily complied with the hand.




The more I read about Lisa, the more I love her. Her power is so amazing. Please do more stories with her. ^^

Master of Muffin

I wonder what happens if she's unable to retract them now? And can the duplicate hers create things from their own shells?


I foresee fun with headless, limbless conjoined triplets…with 18 breasts O_O