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While Annie was a sweet young girl, her mutation caused her to fuse with a violent, misbehaved, and terrifying dog. What resulted was a dangerous combination, the instincts of an attack hound, and the intelligence of a human.

Annie became somewhat selfish from that point on, taking what she wanted, by force if needed. She caused so much trouble, her family eventually abandoned her to the streets. Luckily, dogs work just fine in the streets, especially when they don’t mind hunting other smaller animals… or people.

She became known for being a fierce protector of her “territory” where other animals and animal mutants went to seek refuge, so long as they paid tribute to her, the top dog.

Any mutant with that much notoriety eventually draws the eye of organized crime. For her, it was Thea who found her, a local crime boss of the Mutant Mafia. She ran, Thea’s Farm, on the outside a simple place for animal girls to have a home, on the inside a cover business for drug and mutagen smuggling.

Taking the secondary name of the dog she merged with, AnnieBloodie became the terrible guardian of the farm. Rival families sometimes try to move in on Thea’s business, but they never last long. Trespassers meet an even worse fate. They say that Thea uses them to test out mutagens, adding to her animal girl “family” by merging humans with other beasts.

Even worse, those unfit to become an animal girl end up nothing more than Annie’s chew toys.

Rumor has it a boy recently climbed the farm walls in the hopes of retrieving his cap.

He was never seen again.

When you see a “beware of dog” sign just know that it isn’t just a warning…

It’s a threat.



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