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Gabrielle Valentine didn’t have an easy life. At a young age she was  made fun of by other kids because of her mutation. As she got older, the  teasing became more and more violent, turning from simple pranks into  dangerous confrontations. Eventually, she found herself cornered by a  bully, threatening her with a knife. With no choice but to defend  herself, she reflexively kicked the knife out of his hand and, with a  second strike, knocked him unconscious. He was rushed to the hospital,  and he never returned to school…  

Word of Gaby’s fight quickly spread, leading other bullies to try their  luck, and bolstering Gaby’s confidence. Trouble looked for her, but she  beat it back, time and time again. Eventually, she found some thrill in  the fight, and began devoting more time to brawling than to her studies.  She soon became a delinquent, leading a gang of other mutants who had  had enough and were ready to throw hands, or in her case, feet to  protect themselves.  

By the time she entered Acessland High School, she was known as the  queen of the turf. She was involved in anything that went in or out of  the schools doors. If cigarettes were being sold under the bleachers,  she and her gang had something to do with it. Drugs? She had connections  to dealers. Every fight was a fight that she was either in, or that she  allowed. The school was run by her rules, and even the staff feared her  and her infamous “brass knuckle kick.” 

There are perks to having the whole school under your stiletto heel. No  one dares make fun of her now.




¿Qué tal una pelea épica entre la Gaby oscura y la versión negativa de Atenea? Sería legendario ver las cuatro piernas de Gaby vs la talla y los cuatro brazos de Atenea.


ah!!!love her so much!!!!I wish to strew my ribs into a soup for her