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Melany was a sweet 13-year-old girl with a normal life and loving parents until her mutation changed everything. Her parents tried to “cure” her at all costs, and fearing for her life she fled her home, but not before seriously wounding her mother in a struggle. She took refuge in an old mansion and found herself needing to steal food to survive. As time passed, she became more skillful and less scrupulous finding that her reptile like agility allowed her to be quite stealthy, and if need be, quite dangerous.

Today, she is known as the queen of thieves, a notorious myth of a mutant that scares anyone away from approaching the old mansion, where she has made her hideout. She is skilled with knives, and when you factor in her six arms, powerful tail, and snake-like instincts, she has become a real threat to anyone who would dare cross her.

Of course, she prefers to do things the easy way, left alone to her ill-gotten spoils. But foolish people still enter her beloved mansion on dares, trying to confront the myth of the Mysterious Rattle in the mansion. Things  do  not  end  well   for  them.



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