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Story by: Sophiie93

Copy Editor: Leena (@myLifeIsARPG)

After a long night of drinking and revelry, James and Melany finally made their way home. As Mel was running whatever errand she said she had to do with Caroline, James checked on a small packaged he had hidden in the closet. He had ordered, wrapped, and decorated it long ago, but had been waiting for the right time to give it to Mel. Now was that time.

He put the parcel on the table, took a shower, changed into some more casual clothes, and waited patiently. The minutes felt like hours, but soon enough he heard Caroline’s car pull up in front of his house and minutes later Mel walked through the door.

He greeted her with a kiss. “Welcome home Mel. Did you get everything done?”

Melany held a package behind her back with her middle set of arms. “W-well I was able to get your gift…”

“I have a gift for you too,” James said eagerly.

“Oh… g-good. Uh… j-just wait for me. I’ll take a shower and w-we can exchange gifts and-“ James cut her off by putting a hand on her right cheek.

“Mel, calm down. After what we’ve been through, there’s nothing to be nervous about. I’ll like anything you give me.”

“Sorry, I’m not used to this..” Mel said leaning over and kidding James on the cheek. “Thank you, my love.” The choice of words stunned James into silence. Before things could get more awkward, Mel took off her shoes and headed to the bathroom taking the package with her. “It won’t take me long OK?”

James had plenty of time to obsess over Mel’s words as usual. “My love” felt a little heavy, even though they had been dating for some time. He began worrying. Would she like his gift? Was it enough? He wasn’t very good at taking his own advice.

When Mel emerged from the bathroom she was wearing a robe that covered up pretty much her entire body. James stood up grabbing his gift and swallowed hard.

“So uh… I had been waiting for a while to give this to you… I hope you like it…” he held it out to her, practically shoving it in her arms.

Melany sat down and opened the package carefully. It was peculiar to see, actually. Her extra limbs were underneath the robe. She actually fumbled with the package a bit, not used to working with only two hands. After a short while, the wrapping paper and bows fell away to reveal a simple white jewelry box. Tenderly opening it, Mel discovered a gold necklace with a snake-like design, and a double loop specifically meant to fit on someone with two heads.

Her eyes filled with tears of joy. “This… I love it!” Necklaces made to fit mutants were very expensive. James must have spent so much money on it.

“There are shops that make them personalized, and I still had your measurements from when we got you that dress… so… uh…” Mel cut him off by giving him a big hug and a sudden kiss. He couldn’t help but laugh in response. “I’m glad you like it. A beautiful necklace for a beautiful girl.”

Melany blushed fiercely. “James you flatter me…” she giggled to herself before standing up. She took a few steps away as if to present herself to James. “I also have your gift ready…”

With a single motion Melany let her robe fall. She was covered in a sexy black lace piece of lingerie, also designed specifically for her body. It covered her breasts and crotch, just enough to be a nice little tease. If the idea was to show James that she was in the mood, this would do the trick.

“So… do you like it?” Melany said softly, forcing the best sultry voice she could fake.

“I… I love it!” James said in pure astonishment. “I didn’t think you could get any sexier and then you go and do this!”

“Mmmmm well… have some imagination, love…” Melany said, slipping into her sultry voice again. It was beginning to feel natural. “I think I know how I can make it sexier.”

“How is that?” James asked.

Melany leaned in and whispered in his ear “I can take it off.”

James practically melted. He didn’t know that Melany was practically reciting a script that Caroline gave her when they were out shopping for her lingerie. As far as Melany was concerned, it was working and that was good enough for her.

She grabbed James’s wrist and dragged him into the bedroom. James couldn’t help but stare at her tail mesmerized. He saw how it attached to her rear, how it swayed with her hips, how the end softly rattled as she moved. “I never noticed how beautiful your tail is Mel…” James said, only to be tugged closer. Her tail slithered up James’s shirt, caressing his chest.

“If you don’t stop with the constant compliments, we won’t ever make it to bed.” She threw open the bedroom door and dragged James inside with her tail. She climbed onto the bed and pulled him along with her, her tail slowly sliding his shirt up over his head. He wrapped his arms around her and went in for a kiss, but she stopped him. “No, not like that. Like this…” she said before kissing him on the lips with both of her heads at once.

They remained locked in a triple kiss for ages as James went about removing his clothes. Mel’s tail helped him along, sliding down his pants and rubbing over his crotch. Soon, James was left in his underwear, his bare body held tight to Mel’s. He slowly wrapped his arms around her body to work at the clasp holding on her brassiere.

“It looks like you liked my idea after all..” Mel said with a smile.

“Can I?” James asked.

“Please…” Mel said with a small moan. James undid clasp after clasp. Pair after pair of breasts were revealed. James felt Mel’s tail rub against his crotch again, his dick already rock hard. He began to remove his underwear as Melany began to remove her panties. “Careful,” Mel said “remember you said you’d take care of me.”

“Oh I’ll take care of you…” James said smiling, toppling over on the bed with Mel. He rubbed his hands over her freed breasts, and she arched her back, letting loose a moan. It felt so good to have James touch her.

“Oh god, I’ve never… oooh been touched like that,” Mel gasped. James instinctively hesitated but he felt her tail push him back onto her. “No, don’t stop.” Following her wishes he continued to fondle her breasts, kissing them, squeezing them, licking at her nipples.

Melany wrapped her arms around James and rolled on top of him. “I want to pleasure you too…” she said, gently rubbing her hands over his erect penis. She bent over and hesitated. “Can I….” she gulped a bit… James gave a small nod.

She opened one of her mouths and her serpentine tongue slithered out. It licked up and down the sides of James’s cock. She felt it pulse against her tongue, as he tensed to its touch. She wasn’t quite sure what to do, but she remembered their time in the park, licking up her ice-cream cone. She wrapped her tongue around his penis in the same way, swirling it around before covering it with her lips.

“Oh fuck, oh FUCK Mel!” James was in sheer ecstasy. He never felt anything like this before. He bit his lower lip as he felt her lips bob up and down on his cock. Her other head began wrapping it’s tongue around the base. Her free head looked up to him. “Mmmmmm does it feel good?”

“Oh god don’t stop, don’t stop!” James cried out as pleasure coursed through his body. He felt himself getting close. Mel could taste his precum.

“Wait!” Mel cried out, laying back. “James… I want more…”

“R-really?” James said, catching his breath from the most intense blow job he ever had.

“Yes, please. I want to feel what it’s like to really… really… love someone in… this way…” Mel could barely push herself to say it. Despite the sexy act she was putting on, she was nervous.

James slowly positioned himself between Melany’s legs. His penis pushed against her vagina, the tip gently parting it. “Are you ready?” he asked. She gave a small nod.

Slowly, James moved his hips forward, sliding his penis into her ever awaiting vagina. Her two heads let loose a moan and a yelp. The tongue of her left head thrashed around and then laid out of her mouth lazily. All their sweet talk stopped as James simply began to buck back and forth, thrusting in and out of Melany. He kept her top pair of arms pinned with his, as her lower pairs clutched tight to his sides and hips, her sharp nails digging into his skin.

The bed rocked as James continues to push into her, again and again. Her breasts bounced up and down with each thrust. Mel moaned and grunted and hissed like a snake. Her heads rolled to the side away from each other. Her cheeks were red, her body sweaty, Her tail was thrashing about, rattling loudly. James felt his body tense alongside Mel’s.

Mel’s tail continued to twitch. With every rattle it felt like her pussy got tighter, which made James fuck harder and faster. They both started moaning. They felt themselves getting close. One of Mel’s heads began to moan wildly will the other turned around to kiss it on the lips, muffling the soft cries of sexual ecstasy.  Suddenly, Mel’s tail went straight and she began to scream. She felt it, like a lightning bolt shooting through her. She was c umming! Hard! And as her body was rocked with an o rgasm, she felt James cu m as well, his cock pulsing and churning inside her.

After a long sexual embrace, the two fell limp on the bed, catching their breath. James slowly pulled out and rolled off Mel, sweat dripping off his body.

“That…” Mel’s left head said. “That, was the most intense, wonderful feeling I ever felt in my life.” Mells tail slowly calmed down and the rattling stopped as she caught her breath.

James smiles softly. “Hey Mel, can you shake your tail again?”

“Huh?” Mel said confused. “Is this what… ‘pillow talk’ is supposed to be like?”

“No No, I just… I heard it when we were… you know… and I just… your rattle. It’s what made me find you in the first place. I guess… I find it comforting.”

Mel laughed “You’re weird… but I love that about you.” She gently twitched the tip of her tail back and forth, making a gentle rattling sound.

James closed his eyes and just listened. “I love you too Mel.”




*wolf whistles*


You know, I don’t think I recall reading in any of the stories: is she venomous? She has the fangs.