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Cass’s legs wrapped around me as we fucked on the bed. She sunk her clothes into my sheets, her tail rubbing my chest. I thrusted deeper and deeper, slamming against her. I could see how the pleasure was driving the monster girl crazy.

"Steve…" Cass panted, sticking her prehensile tongue out of her mouth, "grab my horns."

"Are you... sure?" I asked barely holding the climax. Cass was shivering in small shocks of pleasure, but she hadn’t reached her peak yet either.

"Come on, grab them" she said with a strange mix of pleading and ordering. She grabbed my hips with her lower arms as I reached up and took her big horns. I could immediately feel her vagina tighten to the point of feeling sensually trapped by it. She began to moan loudly as I held her tight.

“Oh Steve… Steve…. I'M GOING TO…” Suddenly I felt a tremendous tremor in Cass, almost as if she were a human vibrator. It was too much for me. I couldn’t help it. I came so hard I almost fainted.

We both fell exhausted to the side of the bed, breathing heavily. Cass turned around and hugged me tenderly.

Our relationship had come a long way since February. In fact, we decided to move in together. It saved us both quite a bit on rent, and got Cass closer to her job. Of course, I certainly couldn’t complain about the sex. But… I always wondered if we could be something more.

We retreated to the shower later that night to clean ourselves off from our latest sweaty escapade. As I was soaping her beautiful body I wondered….

“Hey Cass. You know… this Saturday is my mother’s birthday. I’m actually thinking of going to see her.”

“No problem,” Cass said lathering up her breasts. “I’ll be sure to have a nice dinner for you ready when you get home”

“Actually… I was wondering if you could come with me?” Cass stopped cold, dropping the soap. There was a long awkward silence,

“Steve… you know I’m not the sort of girl you bring home to your parents….” She said bending over to pick up the dropped soap.

“I know your appearance can be… overwhelming at first…” Cass reached out and pinched my lips shut.

“I’m not overwhelming Steve. I look like a demon. I know. I embrace it. I dress up as the Krampus for Christmas! I’m the exact sort of girl nice old ladies want their pure sons to stay away from.”

I yanked away from Cass’s claws so I can speak again. “Come on Cass. I’ve already told my family how wonderful you are. The truth is, they brought it up! They wanna meet you.”

Cass sighed, crossing her four arms over her chest. “Well… fine. If this is REALLY important to you I’ll go. But I’m not going to put on some nice act. If your family doesn’t like who I am, it’s their problem.

“Thanks my love” I said giving her a small kiss on the cheek. She responded by dragging a claw up the inside of one of my thighs.

“Hey… it looks like your little friend downstairs is awake… What say we have a little fun? After all, we are already in the shower.”

The weekend came and we made the trip to my parents’ house. We rented a car, one with a tall roof so Cass had room for her horns. The drive was tense. I could see how nervous Cass was. She was wearing a flower print dress, and carefully combed her hair. Her hands were visibly shaking.

“What are you thinking about…” I asked trying to break the silence.

“I was wondering if I could jump out of the car without hurting myself at this speed…”

“Cass, relax. They are going to love you.”

“Easy for you to say. People don’t grab bibles and crosses as soon as they see you…”

As we pulled up to my parents’ my family came out to greet me. My little nieces and nephews were first. Mary was the youngest. She gran to grab my leg while Roger, a little older, pounced me in a hug.

“Hey guys! Nice to see you.”

“Uncle Steve!” Mary said. “Grandma said you were bringing your girlfriend this time!”

“Yeah, she’s here. Make sure to be very respectful when you meet here OK?” I nodded to the car and Cass stepped out.

“Uhm… hey” Cass said in the meekest tone I have ever heard her take. “Your uncle told me a lot about you two.” Mary continued to cling to my leg but Roger immediately went nuts.

“WOOOOW! She’s just like the Shadow Hunter from Champion of Legends!” Roger said looking Cass up and down.

“Yeah” Cass laughed, “I cosplayed that for a party once.”

Mary opened up a little seeing Roger’s enthusiasm. Before long she was playing with them naturally.

We all entered the house together. I introduced Cass to my extended family and things were going well. I could still tell she was nervous though. Her lower hands stayed clasped together and her tail twitched erratically. Dinner passed without incident. Everything was frankly completely normal, but Cass was still on edge. She practically flinched when my mom called her into the kitchen to help with the dishes.

I couldn’t help but listen in as I cleaned off the rest of the dining room table.

“You know…” my mother started, “I didn’t really know what to think when Steve told me about you. His new girlfriend, a ‘monster girl.’ It’s a lot for an old woman like me to take. Imagine my surprise when he said you were already in a relationship.” Cass lowered her head as my mother began to put away dishes.

“But you know, you’re very nice, and I can see you make Steve quite happy. In fact I haven’t seen him this happy in years?” She laughed a bit as she hung up a dish towel. “We were always so worried about him. He never had a lot of passion for life. He was irresponsible and couldn’t commit to anything.” She sat down on a chair motioning for Cass to sit down with her. “But ever since he met you, he’s been different. He’s shown the desire to change, to improve. Frankly he’s unrecognizable, in a good way.”

“Mrs. Brown” Cass said awkwardly, “I assure you I only want the best for him. I really love him very much and-“

“No that’s enough of that…” my mom said. “It’s clear you care about each other very much, and it’s even more clear that you have made Steve a better person just by being in his life. Frankly, you don’t need my permission. If you are good enough for my son, then you are good enough for me.”

Cass smiled a bit and mouthed a silent “thank you.” I couldn’t help smiling as well. The rest of the night went well. We sang songs, played games, and had cake for my Mom’s birthday. We went to bed in my old room only well after everyone was asleep.

“Er, I warn you Cass, the bed is a little small. It’s still the bed I had when I was a kid.”

“Ooooooh? What else do you have from your childhood? Any embarrassing teenage photos?”

“Come on Cass?”

“The small bed will be a small price to pay for all the laughs I’ll have in between sex. Let’s hope your old bed is sturdy.”


