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Story by Leena (@MyLifeIsARG)

Mary and Emma walked through the bad part of town, winding their way through dingy alleyways until they got to a single unmarked door.

“Is this the place?” Emma said, looking over her shoulder.

“Don’t worry, I got the hookup. They wouldn’t steer me wrong.” Mary said, knocking on the door.

A moment later an absolutely mammoth amazon of a mutant woman stepped out. Eight feet tall, covered in muscles, four arms tipped in thick three fingered hands, two legs the size of tree trunks tipped in high heels. She was dressed in a full suit with a trilby hat tilted down to hide her eyes. She simply stood there, silently.

“Ah yes, my good friend,” Mary said with bravado. “I was told that we could come here for a good time.”

The mutant said nothing.

“Er… we have cash. We can pay you handsomely.”

The mutant said nothing.

“Would it help if I said Mama sent us?”

The mutant took a menacing step forward, but said nothing. Emma jerked back in fear.

“Wait wait wait, this is a misunderstanding. I have it somewhere. Ah, here!” Mary took out a small card, a black business card with a rose in the middle with a blue eye nestled in its center. The mutant took it from her and examined it, and with a grunt reached out a massive hand.

“Phones…” she said.

“w-wha?” Mary said confused.

“Give me… your phones,” the mutant said with a grim seriousness of a threat.

Mary and Emma quickly complied, rummaging through their purses and pockets to hand them over.

“Good. You, step forward” she said pointing at Emma. Emma complied, pale and shaking with fear. The mutant patted her down, checking for wires and other electronic devices. She rummaged through her purse and pockets making sure she had nothing else on her. She took her keys and shoved them in her pocket. “Now you” she said to Mary, who stepped forward to do the same.

“I don’t see why you have to-“

“It’s 500 dollars… each” the mutant said cutting her off. “Paid up front.”

“How do we know you really have the stuff?” Mary piped up. “I don’t know you, you could be scamming us.”

The mutant simply began to head back into the building without a word.

“WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT! Ok, we’ll pay,” Mary said in protest. She rummaged through her purse looking for her wallet.

“Cash…” the gargantuan mutant insisted.

Mary grumbled to herself and took out a small stack of hundred dollar bills, placing it into the mutant’s hands. “This better be worth it.”

The mutant counted the bills and stepped aside, but stopped Mary and Emma right before they entered. “Third floor, final door at the end of the hallway. The door locks from the outside. Make sure it latches. You don’t lock yourself in. You don’t get your dose.”

Mary scoffed. “Geez, what’s with all the security, we’re just…”

The mutant interrupted once more. “You undress and you take it, naked. Do whatever the f*ck people like you want to do and then wait in the room until it wears off. Get dressed. Knock on the door. A handler will come get you. She’ll walk you away from here before calling you a car and returning your phones and stuff. Phones’ll be dead. Tell the car to take you home. Don’t come back for a month and make sure you bring a card for BOTH of you next time.”

The mutant withdrew her arm and let the two girls pass. Emma was practically quaking in her heels. Mary, on the other hand, was annoyed. She was no stranger to underground drug culture and this felt like a bit much. She was practically being treated like an animal.

They walked through dark hallways that smelled of mildew and garbage and eventually got to the room they were directed to. They opened the door and were greeted with what looked like an unkempt hotel room. The bed was barely made. There were stains in the walls. Emma looked in the room disgusted.

“Do we really wanna do this?” she said stifling a joke. We have tons of friends who can get us whatever we want. Shrooms. DMT. Fuck we can trip on Salvia if we want. This can’t be worth all this.”

“We came this far so we are gonna fucking do it,” Mary said yanking Emma into the room and closing the door behind them. They heard a click. Emma rushed to try the doorknob. Locked. They were struck now.

“Mary are you nuts! What if these people are psychos. We could end up in a dumpster somewhere and no one would know where to look!”

“I told you Em, I got the hookup. Don’t worry. They’ve never steered me wrong before and they won’t steer me wrong now. Besides, I’m told this is an experience unlike anything you’ve ever felt before. It blows your mind man!”

A sound of faint rumbling came from within the walls. A small hatch in the wall which looks like it used to be an old laundry chute opened up. A small platter with two bottles of water and two small vials of liquid came out.

“Yes yes yes yes yes!” Mary said ecstatic. “Here it is Em. Honest to goodness mutagen.”

“That’ll really make us mutants?” said Em, warily looking the vials over.

“Temporarily. Fucks with our genetics. Uses a virus to trick our bodies into thinking we have an active mutant gene and then uses all sorts of stimulants to make it go haywire.”

“I’m not gonna lie, Mary, that sounds real dangerous,” said Em sitting on the bed.

“And so it all the other shit we do. We wouldn’t be here if we weren’t looking for some danger right? Besides, they say the rush you get from mutating is unlike anything else you’ve ever taken. It’s the ultimate trip!” Mary held up the vial treasuring it as if it were a prized gem.

“You’re sure we are gonna turn back?” Em asked,

“I don’t know shit Em” Mary said with a laugh. “All I know is I’m gonna do this. Now you can pussy out watch me have a good time if you want, but if you are here, I say you might as well enjoy the ride.”

Emma thought long and hard to herself, biting her lower lip in deep contemplation. Finally, in frustration she shouted “OK, I’m in!”

“That’s my girl!” Mary said with a jubilant shout. “Now hold on to your ass, this is gonna be one hell of a ride.”



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