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Story by Sophiee93 celebrating his 1K watchers on his deviantart.

The pleasant breeze and the soothing sound of the waves had me lost in my own thoughts as my three friends prepared a large towel on the sand for us with an umbrella that gave just enough shade. After they snapped me out of it, we all relaxed together there while Jessica made a cool drink for each of us.

"So… what do you think?" "Do you like Port Solei beach?" Sophie and Lucy asked in smooth succession.

"I love it! I had seen it in photos before, but witnessing it myself really feels different... "" ... And here I can wear a bikini for the first time since mutating without worries," I replied. Sophie and Lucy nodded happily.

"By the way, it's been a while since you mutated… Have you gotten used to it?" Jessica asked me as she sipped from her drink with her other head. I stretched my extra arms, moving my fingers as I thought on the question for a few seconds.

"Well… you really have me been watching me on my networks, haven’t you?" I said laughing. "And honestly, yes. It is starting to feel natural... the memories of my normal body are... I don't know how to describe it..." I said thoughtfully as I drank from the soda that Jessica had offered me with my tail.

"Boring, right?" Lucy said. “How do you know?” I said in surprise, “You don't know what it's like not to be mutants… or am I wrong?"

Sophie and Lucy laughed, taking the soda that was passed from hand to hand. "We don’t… but she does…" Sophie said, gesturing with one hand towards Jessica. My heads immediately focused on her, who smiled and nodded with both heads.

"Wow..." "You mutated after you were born? Seriously?"

"Not quite" "I actually was born with three breasts!" she said laughing, "Or well... three nipples, they weren't this size when I was born..." she said as she took her breasts in her hands making them look even bigger. Sophie and Lucy audibly sighed enviously. "You never miss a chance to do that…" Lucy said pouting. Jessica responded with a double smile.

"So your mutation was an extra head... interesting…" I said with my tail.

"What’s interesting to me is your tail... you hardly see mutants with this type of mutation..." Jessica said, grabbing my tail by the cheeks and bringing it closer for examination.

"She already seems to have found more confidence, so typical of Jessica..." Lucy said, noticing my main head flushed from the contact.

"Ohhh… and have you tried, you know… sexy things since you mutated?" Sophie questioned, smiling mischievously at me. I immediately turned red in both faces, denying it with all six hands.

"No! No not at all!" I was silent for a few seconds while the three girls looked at me "Okay, yes..." I conceded with a bowed head.

"HA! I knew it!!" Lucy proclaimed victoriously.

The four of us continued for a while talking about our lives as mutants and recounting our experiences while Jessica gave me various tips on some different and cool makeup styles that work only if you have two faces.

Sometime later, we decided to go enjoy the waves with a little dip. The water temperature was ideal, so we kept going deeper and deeper until the water reached our hips.

"Hey ... you haven't swum since you mutated, have you?" Sophie asked me worriedly. "Be careful..." Lucy said touching one of my shoulders.

"Well, she has a natural snorkel..." Jessica said pointing to my tail.

Immediately my main head and my tail locked eyes, processing Jessica's idea. Without thinking too much I dove into the water, completely sinking and diving. My tail hung above the water, making me look like some kind of human submarine with its periscope poking out above the water.

I could see the bottom of the seafloor and the outside at the same time, and I was having no problem breathing. My six arms also helped make swimming so much easier than before. It was actually more natural than what I thought.

"This is great! I can keep breathing!" I said turning my tail towards the girls as I continued to swim under the surface.

"I told you!" Jessica said laughing as she swam towards me, staying above the surface.

"I really still have so many things to try with my new body..." I said bringing my tail towards her. "Relax, you will have time for that..." she answered me while she threw some water on her heads.

We were having so much fun in the water that we did not notice that the sun was already going down. Our day on the beach was already over. With a hint of dismay that it had to end we packed our things and headed to the car to drive to our apartments.

During the drive Jessica thoughtfully invited us all to dinner and a sleepover at her place. The idea seemed great to me and we all readily accepted the offer. While Sophie and Lucy went to their own apartment to scrounge up some ingredients to prepare dinner, I took the opportunity to visit mine and find my pajamas from my suitcases.

Some searching and a small headache later and we were all joyfully having dinner at Jessica's. It has been many years since I had so much fun, and it was just my first day here. The food Sophie and Lucy prepared was delicious and as expected, the drink ended up making us all quite sleepy within no time. We each put on our pajamas, exhausted from the long day, and fell asleep together on Jessica's big bed.

While I slept, I felt a hand touch my shoulder and move me slightly. I opened my eyes, only to see Sophie and Lucy leaning toward me, their knees on the bed. Their custom-made pajamas fell, letting me see all four of their breasts and nipples. They both looked at me with lust in their eyes.

“S-Sophie… Lucy? W-what are you doing?" I asked both embarrassed and excited. They just leaned in and Lucy kissed me on the mouth passionately. "Welcoming you to Port Solei..." Sophie said moving her right hands and lifting my pajamas with them to expose my six breasts. I simply gave in to so much eroticism, raising all six arms to have my pajamas easily removed.

With so much movement on the bed, I watched Jessica with my tail, noticing that she was already awake and watching the show. "Oh... Heh-Jessica, sorry... I can explain," I said with my tail, still holding the kiss with Lucy.

"Explain?" "I want an invitation... not an explanation," Jessica said pouting, taking my tail and bringing it to her right head to kiss me too.

"Welcome to the mutant capital..." she said with her free head.

"We’re going to teach you what experienced mutants can do..." Sophie said. An intense heat ran through me. I closed all my eyes and concentrated on the sensations of the six hands of the girls running over my body.

I put my six hands to work and in no time, all four of us were fully naked. I moved my tail towards Sophie and Lucy’s four breasts while they kissed me and played with them, stimulating their vaginas at the same time.

Meanwhile, Jessica was kissing herself in front of me, her naked body was precious, with her three large breasts that bounce on each movement. Unable to resist the temptation, I pounced on them, kissing and squeezing. I was living the most erotic scene of my life, in a tangle of arms, breasts and legs, kissing and caressing every inch of our bodies.

Finally, I felt that the climax began to form, with great intensity. The moans took over the room until a strong wave of pleasure ran through my back, causing me to get up.

I blinked several times, trying to understand what was happening. The room was dark and everything was calm. With both of my heads, I looked for the girls. Sophie was awake and looking at me while Lucy and Jessica slept soundly.

"What happen? Are you okay?" she asked me. I was grateful that the lights were not on to reveal my arousal. For the first time since I had mutated, my two brains had synchronized their dreams into a single lucid and so very intense one.

"Y-Yes... It was just a dream..." I replied in a low voice so as not to wake the others. She patted the bed subtly with one hand.

"Go back to sleep ... it's late," she told me while I rest between my friend’s bodies and Sophie’s hand hugged my belly. "Was it a nice dream? You seem agitated..."

I smiled at myself, resting my tail on my chest and playing with my own hair. "It was one of those dreams that would be beautiful to fulfill."



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