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Story by: Leena (@MyLifeIsaRPG)

They teach you a lot about mutations when you first get diagnosed with the mutant gene. What they don’t tell you is that there’s nothing that can prepare you for the weirdness of it all.

I grew my extra mouths last summer. Eating through my breasts and vagina was weird enough, but tasting through them, now that was a mind blowing experience. Each one tastes things differently! Like, this vanilla ice pop, it tastes normal to my normal mouth, but it tastes thicker and creamier to my breasts, and to my vagina it almost tastes like butter.

This is the case for every food. Normally my spice tolerance is low but my pussy can eat the spiciest food no problem. My breasts love really rich food, like steak, while my pussy loves sweets. It’s such a weird sensation to taste something different from a different mouth, and an even weirder sensation to taste from all mouths at the same time to produce a sensation that is hard to describe.

It’s given me a bit of an oral fixation, to be honest. Every time I get a new food I have to taste it with all my mouths. Though, it’s a little embarrassing. My pussy eats faster than the rest of me. I have to be careful or I’ll get a brain freeze.



Master of Muffin

Whoa, didn't think I'd ever get to see this sketch in color and story after so long. Very hot! love me some lipples