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"Come on Elena, cheer up... everything’s going to be okay!" Rebecca told me, dragging me into the bar by my arm.

"N-No, I don't know... there are so many people, and I up a lot of space," I said resisting as hard as I could.

“Elena… look I know this isn’t Port Solei, but you aren’t the only mutant here! Look, I can count four of them just by looking in the door.” Rebecca tugged harder but I planted all four of my legs.

“And they have what, extra fingers, or a third eye, or weird colored hair? This is an entirely different thing!” I jerked my head back motioning to my hind legs and tail.

Rebecca signed and stopped pulling. “Look, Elena, you look great. You ears bring out the color in your hair. That skirt looks fantastic on you. And you’ve been working out! Your legs look like a model’s. But you are never going to get anywhere if you keep acting this shy. People aren’t going to make as big a deal about your mutation as you think they will.”

I looked at her in silence, my ears twitching as I mulled it over. I knew she was right, but it didn’t change how uneasy I was. I was already jittery around crowds back in Port Solei when mutants were in the majority, but here? I just couldn’t help thinking everyone was going to judge me.

“Look, if you want to go home…”

“No-,” I said cutting her off and taking a deep breath. “Let’s do this.”

Rebecca smiled happily. It was like I gave her the greatest present in the world. She practically ran into the bar and I followed afterward, my shoes softly clicking on the floor. It didn’t take long for all eyes to be fixed on me. I heard them start to whisper among themselves. Crap this was a bad idea. Luckily, Rebecca came to the rescue, signaling the bartender to raise the music. At least I couldn’t hear their whispers anymore. It pays to know the staff.

“Come on!” Rebecca shouted over the thumping bass. “Let’s get a drink and have some fun!” Rebecca went back to tugging, pulling me by the arm over to the bar and using two stools to make a makeshift bench for me to sit down. She sat down next to me. “You see!” she said with a grin. “It’s not that bad.” She motioned to the bartender and he started preparing two drinks for us. I had no idea what she had ordered.

“Rebecca, you don’t have to do this… the loud music… the stools… clearing the-“

“Shhhhhhh shhh shh shhhhhh….” She said putting a finger to her lips. “Now is not worry time. Now is fun time. Relax.” She leaned in whisper in my ear. “Look behind me, over my right shoulder. The hottie back there. Don’t you think he’s checking you out?” She darted her eyes to the right several times. Following her eyes I saw a young man trying his best not to look directly at me, looking and averting his gaze over and over again. Unfortunately, as soon as I noticed him, he noticed me noticing him and gave a little embarrassed wave. I didn’t wave back. I just looked away and took a sip of the rather powerful mystery cocktail that Rebecca had ordered me.

“Come on!” she said, nudging my shoulder. “You need a boyfriend and you know is and this one is interested! Stop being your own worst enemy!” She took a swig of her drink, I took a sip of mine. There was a long and awkward silence. “Elenaaaaaaa…” she said with the tone of disapproving mother.

“I know I know! I get that I have to let loose a little but… you know I don’t have a lot of confidence…” I said tracing my finger around the rim of the glass.

“Still can’t get over the kids making fun of you back in school?”

“Mmph” I mumbled. She hit the nail on the head. “I don’t think I’m ready yet. Can we just enjoy the night, without you trying to hook me up with anyone?”

Rebecca clanged her glass with mine, making some of the drink spill out onto my hand. “Of course!” she said, obviously already a little tipsy. “I’ll be right here for you until you are ready.” She gave me a wink and downed her drink. I gave her a smile and finished mine and she motioned the bartender for another round.

It wasn’t a horrible night. We laughed and enjoyed our overpriced booze. We were pretty slammed by the time we got home. I was ready to pass out the minute I opened the door. I stripped down and hit the bed. I was out like a light.

Maybe it was the booze, but that night I had the most lucid d4ream I had ever had. I saw myself naked in bed. I was watching myself, through the eyes of some nameless lover. I could this figure, hug me, kiss me, caress me.

It was so hot. Every touch was erotic to the extreme. It felt so real, his hands on my back, my butt, gently caressing the lips of my rear pussy. I felt him softly massage my upper back, kissing me. I felt his hard cock thrust inside me, so big, so warm. It felt so fucking good.

You’d laugh at me if I told you the best sex I ever had was in a dream but it’s the truth. He bucked his hips and I bucked back. We moaned in passion. We were coming close. I was gonna… I was gonna!

….I woke up. The climax snapped me right out of it, back to the world of the living. I moaned groggily hugging my pillow. I moved my four legs, trying to get comfortable. Something felt off… My sheets were wet, sticky. My vagina was wet too. I followed my hands back to feel my wet sheets, until I hit my rear legs and then felt… a dick! Holy fuck what! There was a strange weight, a flaccid penis, a pair of balls, right between my hind legs!

Did I just mutate overnight?

Did I just have a wet dream!?

Did I have SEX WITH MYSELF!!!?

I scrambled to grab my cell phone and called Rebecca up. She was the only one I could think of to turn to. Her phone rang and she picked up, still in a drunken haze.


“Geez, not so loud Elena. It’s 5:30 in the morning. What’s up?”

“I mutated!”

“Yeah, a while ago, legs, tail, ears, the whole shebang. Everyone knows. Can I go back to bed now?”

“I mutated AGAIN!”

“What? Are you sure you aren’t drunk”

“I grew a PENIS Rebecca! A dick!”

The phone was silent for a long while as Rebecca thought of what to say.

“Come on, you can’t be serious.”

“I am serious! Between my hind legs.”

“What like, instead of a vagina?”

“No, it’s over my vagina… I think… I think I fucked myself laugh night.”

Rebecca immediately started laughing. I could hear her snorting on the toher line.

“It’s not funny!” I snapped.

“Sorry! Sorry! It’s just that normal people call that masturba...”

“Beckyyyyy… please”

“Hey, is it weird that I think you having a dick is kind of hot?”


“What? I’m being honest. I think it’s attractive? Does that make me a lesssbian?” she said, her speech slurred from her drunken state. “I mean it’s a dick right… so like… I’m attracted to a dick right… nnnnot gay…”

“Isn’t it… who the dick is attached to that counts?”

“Depends. Point is, I’ve got to see it. I’m coming over.”

“You’re drunk!”

“I’ll catch an Uber. It’s not like I can sleep now anyway.”

“Fine just… hurry your lesbian ass up.”

“I hate you.”

“I hate you too Becky…”

I hung up and fell over on the bed waiting for her arrival. Rebecca’s always been a good friend. I just… wanted her to be here now. I wanted her to hold me and hug me and stroke my… EEP. What was I thinking? Do I? Was she? Was I the?

Ooooooh I had a feeling my life was going to change the minute she walked through that door. I could only hope it would change for the better.




This is such a loving story. I hope you can find time to make a sequel telling us about the rest of Becky and Elena's night! :O