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It may sound silly, but after the scare Cassandra gave me at Christmas and the… ahem… sensual situation the next day, I had decided to make a change. 2020 taught me that I had to improve, adapt, get on the right path. I need to find a job. I needed to be more responsible

It was Monday, January 6. I had just come out of a grueling job interview. I had just made it to the lobby when I heard a familiar voice.

"Wow, you look really good in a suit, Mr. Executive," Cassandra said, coming from behind. She was wearing an unbelievably short dress. It’s a good thing she has that cold tolerance. Everyone in the lobby was looking at her, some because of her mutation, some because she was just that damn sexy.

“Very funny. You know I couldn’t land a position like that, but you’ve gotta start somewhere. Forget that though. What the heck are you doing here?”

“Oh well I was in the area buying shoes and I heard a dear friend had a job interview today so I stopped by to wish you some luck.” She flashed me a smile filled with razor sharp teeth.

“Shoes? But you have hooves?” I replied. She poked me in the forehead and pointed down where I saw a golden rim around her hoof. She lifted it up to show some sort of rubber soled horseshoe pinned to the bottom.

“Look, shoes. You didn’t think I would walk out here barehooved did you? It’s not like you walk around in socks. You’ll damage your hooves without protection, and you’ll slip on smooth floors.”

“Are those nailed on? Does it hurt?”

“Nah, they just look nailed on. They actually stick with adhesive. Just put on an adhesive strip and voila, instant shoe. The strip dissolved with hot water so take a bath or a shower and they come right off,” she laughed a bit “but enough about my feet. Do you have time to take a walk?”

“For you, I always have time.”

“Ooooooh what a Cassanova!”

We spent some time walking around a nearby mall talking about life. We had become “friends with benefits” since last Christmas and she had made it very clear that that was how it was going to stay. I was still on the naughty list after all. We eventually made our way to a café and ordered a few treats.

“It’s freezing even in here,” I said. “I can’t believe you don’t feel the cold at all.” My eyes wandered to her bare legs and cleavage.

“Ey, ey, eyes up here soldier!” she said with a small laugh. “I feel it, it just doesn’t affect me much. Besides, normal girls suffer for fashion all the time, why should I be any different?” She sipped her cappuccino and her eyed shot open. “If your cold I know just what we can do.”

She quickly slammed money down on the table and grabbed me by the hand, leading be out of the mall and through some downtown side streets. We ended up at what looked like a bathhouse, though it appeared to be closed. She took out her phone and sent a few texts and before I knew it, a blue skinned mutant with scales, webbed hands, gills, and a long fish tail came out the front door.

“Marina! How are you!” Cass said, giving her a big hug.

“So glad to see you Cass,” Marina said hugging back “Come for the usual? This your new boy?” She said looking me up and down. “Gonna use the pool for… you know?”

“Nothing like that.” My heart dropped a little. “We just want to relax a bit. Can we?”

“Of course! How could I ever refuse you?”

I timidly entered the bathhouse. It wasn’t very big and you could see that it was mainly used for recreation and private parties. There was a big heated pool in the center.

“Er… I don’t really have a bathing suit with me…” I said, motioning to the only suit I had.

“No problem. Marina will get you one from the store. I’ll have her charge it to my account and you can pay me back when you get the job!” She suddenly started taking her suit off, but before I could protest I saw she was wearing her bikini underneath it all. “Always come prepared.”

I headed to the dressing rooms to change. It was cold! Even the small trip from the lockers to the pool was biting. I rushed into the water and breathed a sigh of relief. Shortly after, Cass came in to join me in her small black bikini, two of her hands holding back her long black hair.

“So what do you think?” she asked.

“I think you are the sexiest creature I have ever seen,” I said without thinking.

“I meant the pool silly!” she said with a small laugh. She swam up to me and gave me a strong kiss. I could feel how her tongue practically curled around mine. “You know…” she said breaking the kiss “Marina is going to be busy for a while. We have a half hour alone. How about we take advantage of that?”

“But you told her th-…” she put a finger to my lips to hush me. “I didn’t take off my shoes for nothing” she said as she reached under the water to pull out her thong and cast it aside.

This was going to be a good year.



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