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A few years ago, I inherited the auto shop from my father, who, due to his advanced age, retired to his own home with my mother a few miles from here. I was able to find a comfortable house in the neighborhood closest to the workshop, about a five-minute walk from my shop. The problem is that my house is almost at the very end of the neighborhood, and although the neighborhood is large, the last house is unoccupied and elderly people live in all the others, which makes the place quite boring and quiet.

Life has become quite monotonous since I moved, between the hours I dedicate to the gym each day and those I am in the auto shop, my few free hours are spent at home watching TV. All my friends live miles away and I just do not have time to make the trips.

After a year, I started planning a move since my monotonous routine was ruining me mentally. However, one afternoon while watching television I heard quite a bit of noise outside. I went to the window and pulled the curtain aside to watch. In the empty house next door there was a lot of movement. Several movers were unloading furniture from a van, it seemed that someone was finally moving into the neighborhood, probably old people. I just prayed it is not a family with many noisy kids or teens. I let them keep going with their work, and went back to the couch.

Tiredness washed over me and I began to close my eyes. I felt as if a few minutes passed, but when I opened my eyes and looked at the clock, I noticed that it had been two hours. I got up immediately, moving my neck that ached from having slept in a bad position.

I went to the kitchen to prepare something to eat. Some minutes later while I was cooking, I heard an argument outside, the silence of the neighborhood always amplified any noise. I left the food preparing and opened the door of my house to see what was happening.

I stopped immediately when I saw a girl walking down my sidewalk, she seemed to be heading to the house next door. The most surprising part is that this girl was a mutant, the first that I had seen in my life in fact, her hair was beautiful and her clothes tailored to fit her very perfectly. She had four legs that moved in harmony and a tail that right now was hiding in fear between her back legs. Her expression worried me since she seemed to be very depressed.

My presence did not go unnoticed. She turned to me stopping for a second with doubt. "H-Hi... I'm y-your new neighbor...," she said not knowing what to do.

I smiled cordially at her, while inside I was glad that my new neighbor is someone so sweet and pretty. I waved back at her as I approached confidently. The girl doubted for a second, my appearance and my size can be intimidating at times, but I suppose that when she noticed that I was not showing any hostility she relaxed and smiled at me.

"Hello! I'm Frank, it’s a pleasure…,” I said stretching out my hand. She took it immediately and nodded. Her skin was so soft that it was hard for me not to say something about it. Her tail came out from between her legs and moved subtly behind her, kind of a signal to me that she felt calmer.

"I'm Britney... I'm moving into this house today..." she told me, pointing to her house and letting my hand go, scratching her cheek. When I saw her face closer, I could see her eyes swollen as if she had cried a lot.

"Are you okay?" I asked. She sighed in response, shaking her head.

"Well... I went to introduce myself to the other neighbors... and the truth is that they are somewhat mutaphobic," she said trying hard to resist crying again.

"Hey!" I told her, catching her attention "Don't listen to them, they can’t adapt to the existence of mutants, they just live in the past... you look great, don't let them make you think otherwise..."

Britney immediately turned red from the compliment. “T-Thanks… I-” she would have told me something, but I immediately turned around “Oh no! My food!" I said running inside, she followed me and peeked in the door, worried about me. Luckily, I managed to reach the oven before the food burned and turned it off.

"And you... do you already have everything settled in your house?" I asked her as I took off my oven mitts.

"Ehh…. no, I barely had time," she said, still not daring to enter. I gestured toward one of the chairs at the table.

"Come in, I invite you to dinner... as welcome gift to the neighborhood," I said laughing. Her eyes lit up with excitement "Oh? Really? T-Thank you very much…,” she replied before walking inside and closing the door behind her with her tail with such precision that it seemed like one more hand. As amazing as it may seem to me, I decided not to comment about her body to avoid making her feel uncomfortable. I just sit down after putting the food on the table along with one more set of dishes for her.

I stared at her as she stood in front of the table, covering her mouth, as if she wanted to say something, but her shyness would not allow it. "Is something wrong?" I asked. She looked at her legs and then looked at the chair without saying anything.

"Ohh!! How inconsiderate I am, sorry, just a moment!” I said standing up immediately and looking for another chair to accommodate next to hers. She laughed at my reaction "It’s okay, I know you probably don’t get a lot of visitors with four legs, right?"

"Oh... not with four legs, just boring bipedal people," I said with a wink, which made her laugh more as she settled into the two chairs to start eating.

"The fact that you didn't realize about the chairs means that you saw me as a normal girl... you're not mutaphobic like the others, I’m so glad..." she said touching her chest and sighing.

"No, actually… I think I'm a fan now…" I said jokingly. She just laughed patting my arm.

"Shut up now! I'm not that special, I only have four legs and that's it…” she told me with more confidence in her voice before continuing to eat.

"Yes, twice as many as the other girls..." I said, still joking and moving my fingers as if I was calculating. That dinner was the best I had had in a long time, Britney had a unique personality and she was very sweet and kind. In addition, she understood my strange sense of humor.

After dinner, she decided to go to her house to continue unpacking. She said goodbye to me with a big and warm hug "Thanks for everything Frank... you made me feel so much better!" she told me with a big smile while her tail moved about happily.

"And I've only talked to you..." I replied with a wink. She opened her eyes in surprise "Are you flirting with me?!" she responded, pouting and placing her hands on her hips.

I gasped with my mouth open, acting as if she had offended me. "Me?? Never! I would be unable to!" We both looked at each other in silence for a second and started laughing and then she waved at me, walking off towards her house.

The next morning, I woke up and pulled the curtains open, letting the sunshine through. Covering my face from the sun, I let my eyes adjust to the light as I looked out the window.

For a second I doubted what I was seeing, but when I did a doubletake my jaw just dropped. From the window of my room on the second floor, I could see Britney's backyard. She was lying on a towel outside and she was completely naked, sunbathing while she read a book.

All her skin was exposed, and my window was so close that I could even see her back vagina peeking out from under her tail. It was the most erotic and beautiful thing I had ever seen, the situation seemed surreal to me and an uncontrollable erection appeared in my pants.

She did not seem to notice my presence, but my morals made me retreat from the window, shaking my head. It is Britney, she does not know I can see her, I know I should not do this. I immediately went down to prepare breakfast, but the beautiful image did not leave my mind, under those clothes that I saw yesterday, Britney's body was a piece of art.

The day passed without further complications, although I did not dare to go up to my room again. Today was when I planned to prune the shrubs in my front garden, so I took the opportunity to distract myself a bit with it. As soon as I went outside, I saw Britney in her front yard, looking at her mailbox and taking some letters. She immediately saw me and smiled, waving and walking towards me.

"Frank! How are you today?" she said, as she got closer. My stupid mind had no better idea than to undress her in my thoughts, remembering the image I saw earlier. "Oh... B-Britney... hi..." I said sounding awkward.

"What happen? Are you okay?" she asked worriedly, noticing me acting weird. I felt cornered, I did not want to lie to her, but I did not want to make her feel bad either. My eyes wandered nervously until I managed to collect my thoughts.

"W-Well… Britney, I'll tell you something… but please don't be mad, okay?" I said gesturing with my hands. She gulped and nodded.

"It wasn't on purpose... I swear, but from my bedroom window... I saw you... s-sunbathing," I said afraid to look at her. Britney's face began to turn red as soon as I mentioned the window, in her head the pieces began to come together. She just took a step back covering her cheeks.

"D-Did you s-see me n-naked?" she told me, stuttering. I could only nod sheepishly as she tried to calm her nerves. "I'm sorry... I think you should know. You shouldn't sunbathe like that without knowing who can see you..."

She lowered her hands and thought about it for several seconds that seemed like an eternity to me. "Your house… it’s the only one with a view to my backyard, right?" she asked me, looking into my eyes.

"Yes... mine is the only house next to yours... the ones on the other side have the fence," I replied, pointing in the direction of the fence that separated the other houses, behind ours.

"Mmmh okay, I'll keep that in mind..." she said turning to go to her house. As she took a couple of steps from me, she turned her head over her shoulder to look at me with a smile. "Tomorrow I'll sunbathe at the same hour... if it's only you seeing, I don't mind doing it naked..."

I felt my heart race with those words "Can I put sunscreen on your back?" I said, joking with her.

She just giggled making an obscene gesture with her right hand as she playfully stuck her tongue out at me before entering her house. My only wish right now is that tomorrow is not cloudy.



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