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Fleur had been dating Rick for a few weeks now. The two were getting along pretty well. Rick was very understanding, especially when it came to her mutation. She was still ashamed whenever she had one of her “accidents” in front of him, but she was starting to feel more comfortable by the day. 

Today was a special day. It was the first time Rick invited her over to his apartment. Anxious as ever, she headed to the bathroom for a shower. "Manual Override" in the shower had become something of a daily routine for her at this point. In order to avoid “accidents” she had to make sure she was mostly drained. Before she went about washing herself, she took all of her penises in her hands and jerked them off hard. There wasn’t anything sexy about it. It was just routine at this point. She tried to finish the job quickly, feeling her breasts pulse as she came all over the wall of the shower. She nearly stumbled as the orgasms made her weak in the knees. She leaned on the wall as her dicks shrank in size, thankful that the shower cleans up easily with a quick rinse.

After thoroughly washing herself, she went to her room to pick out her clothes. She had picked out the perfect blue dress, with a deep X cut on the chest. It both showed off her cleavage and had enough padding that her mutation would be hidden. She threw it on, picked out a pair of shoes, and quickly head out the door. 

Rick’s apartment was just a short taxi ride away. He lived on the north side of town in a high-rise, a very different change of environment from Fleur’s modest flat. She texted Rick when she arrived, called the elevator and pressed the button for the sixth floor. The door was about to close as she saw three hands quickly shove between it. The door pulled back to show three different mutant girls.

“Sorry sorry” said the girl in front of her. She was slim and had six arms and three breasts. Next to her was a slightly taller girl with six breasts and three heads. Finally, behind them was a girl with four legs in a taur shape and a long beautiful tail. “Do you mind if we get in?” They were obviously out of breath, having run to catch the elevator just before it closed.

“Oh uh, yeah, sorry go ahead.” The mutants began cramming in to the elevator but it was already a tight fit. The taur broke off, saying she would take the stairs instead. Fleur tried to move forward, getting a little nervous. “Oh no I can take the stairs it’s fine…”

The three headed girl stopped her. “Nonsense, you were here first. Besides she doesn’t get tired easily.”

“I bet I’ll beat you all there!” the taur said before taking off. The elevator doors closed and Fluer let out a meep.

Fleur wasn’t trying to be friendly or courteous. She just wanted to get away from the other mutants. She could already feel her dicks getting a little bit too excited for their onw good. Her eyes bounced from one girl to the other as they spoke. She tried closing her eyes but the image of all three girls was still fresh in her mind. She picked up her bag and mashed it against her chest to hide her growing erections.

It was only a few floors but it felt like an eternity. The elevator screeched to a halt, opening at the fourth floor where the girls got off, laughing and talking with each other. Fleur dropped her bag but could already see how misshapen her dress was due to her growing erections. “Dammit, I was doing so well…” She kicked the side of the elevator only to see the mutants look back, just as the taur caught up to them. She hammered on the door close button before they could ask what was going on.

Fleur’s cheeks were red with embarrassment. “Great…. How can I show up a Rick’s looking like this” she said, her dicks still growing, She slumped against the back wall of the elevator as the elevator stopped with a ding at the sixth floor.




What... seem she think Rick want women 100% female, I mean no male organs. If I have an herm GF, I will like stroke her penis and drink her cum


Nothing of that. Rick knows about the Fleur mutation. Only he is ashamed to have too many involuntary erections so notorious.


I know she's with Rick but she needs to have sex with another mutant girl. She seems so into that.^^


i'll take the three breasted girl! hehe <3