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"Barbara, are you okay?" My friend Rena asked me as I ran away from the meeting to my room. I closed the door behind me. I knew perfectly well what was happening “Yes! Just give me a few minutes please! ” I looked at my hands as I walked towards the bed. The heat in my body was getting higher.

"Does this have to happen when my friends come to visit? Well, the doctors did warn me. I hope I look pretty at the end at least” Before I could get to bed, an electric shock ran through my back causing me to fall to the floor backwards. I felt every muscle in my body contracting as if I was being electrocuted but without pain at all. However, the heat of my body and the sensations made it difficult for me to control myself and not scream. I knew I must remain silent so as not to raise my friends suspicions.

My back arched on its own and two large lumps began to grow from my abdomen. They slowly expanded, pushing out between my skirt and my blouse. They looked like extra limbs, arms? legs? I had no idea. My mind was trying to predict what would happen next and what my body would look like when the mutation finished. I could feel my abdomen expanding behind these new growing limbs, which were already longer than my arms.

"They’re legs!" I said aloud. "Barbara?! What happen?" I heard Rena's voice again. "N-Not... ugh ... Nothing!" I babbled as my mutation continued, forming a couple of extra breasts underneath mine. "Oh... oh..." My new legs were already flexing and moving in front of my eyes. I looked down and saw my old legs now much farther from me with a tail the same color as my hair moving between them. An extra torso just like my own on which two other breasts rested was now connecting my two pairs of legs. 

The heat in my body began to disappear and my breathing calmed, I knew that the mutation had ended. I turned my body and dragged myself toward the mirror as best I could, still not used to my new legs. I rolled onto my side to observe my entire body, lifting my rear hip slightly and wagging my tail. "Wow... the girls will love this."




She already made an appearance: https://www.patreon.com/posts/color-humantaur-31855530 https://www.patreon.com/posts/color-help-me-35729147