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 “To be honest I’m not complaining…” I stared in awe at the new beautiful body my now mutant girlfriend had. “I think they would be better without the bandages though?”

She smiled back “Oh yeah?” her heads said in unison. She slowly started peeling them back leaving her beautiful breasts bare. I couldn’t turn away. They were so big and luscious. I almost found myself moving my hands to feel them, without even thinking. She gently took my hands in hers and and giggled. “Aren’t you going to seduce me like normal? Are my breasts really that distraction?”

“Oh it’s, it’s just that you are so beautiful” I stammered “your mutation fits you well, better than I could have imagined.”

My girlfriend’s faces blushed. “Th-thank you” her lips said in perfect unison. It was strange. Her faces acted the same, like a mirror reflection of each other. Strange, but fascinating.

I couldn’t help but laugh to myself, seeing her blush. While my girlfriend was absolutely a dominant and outwardly sexual person, small comments like that always got her to blush. I liked that gentle, tender aspect of her.

I leaned over holding her new hands in mine. “Tell me, how did you get used to this mutation so quickly?” I asked, as her other hands came to my sides.

“Well, the doctors said the second head helps a lot in the process… two brains and all that. It makes learning half as quick.” She laughed to herself and rubbed her fingers along my palms “buuuut, there’s still so many things I haven’t tried yet” said one head. “I spent most of my time practicing how to talk out of one head at a time…” said the other. “I never imagined it would be this difficult…” said the first. 

She released my hands and started gesturing, speaking one head at a time. “It’s like living your life twice…” “… but at the same time…” “…I can see everything twice…” “… it’s not like the images merge together, like with your two eyes…” “I can look at you with my right head and…” 

She kept talking, describing the sensations of having two heads, and I couldn’t help but experiment a little myself. I waited for her left head to start speaking and brought my finger to the right one’s lips. She stopped. It was like I short circuited her brain. She tried to speak but the sensation of her other mouth being covered prevented anything form coming out.

“Hah your body is weird,” I said with a smile.

“Don’t bully me!” she whined in a playful voice. “I’m just not used to it yet!” She pounced on me, surrounding me with all four arms. Her faces were close to mine, each one smiling. 

“So, I take it you like your new body?” I said.

“Oh I’m more than happy,” she replied sensually, “even more now that I know you love it too…” “… or is it that you just love my four breasts?”

I gently moved my hands to her hip, and then wrapped around to grab her ass, “I love everything,” I said with a sly sensual smile back.

She leaned down and kissed me on both cheeks. “You know…” “… I’ve spent so much time focusing on my heads…” “…I haven’t really gotten to experiment with my body.” Two of her hands held mine while the others touched my chest. She arched her back, her swollen breasts pushing against me, “…but maybe that because I wanted to try it out with you…” “…mmmmm do you want to?”

I could only nod, words escaping my throat in such excitement. We headed toward my room and she pushed me on the bed, her four hands beginning to undress me while she undressed herself at the same time. I saw her bare body, her mutation in all its glory, her four perfect breasts with the top pair resting upon the bottom. Her pairs of shoulders and slender arms. It was like a beautiful painting come to life.

She took off her panties and climbed in bed with me. She sat at me, gently stroking my already erect penis. She rested her four hands on my chest, pressing her four breasts together “mmmmm what do you think?” she said. “Don’t you think that my new body can.. stimulate you better. She slowly lowered herself down upon me, gyrating her hips. “I think it’s time to start experimenting.”

“Wait can you..” Before I knew it, she already was. Her two heads turned to the side, her two lips joining. She started passionately kissing herself as she bucked into me. Her body began to tremble with pleasure. I couldn’t believe that this was what it was like to have a mutant girlfriend.



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