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 “I uh… I didn’t manage to find anything to eat” said Ron ruefully. “Sorry Sue, I guess I’m not at good at this whole camping thing as I thought.”

“It’s OK, Ron,” Sue said. “I’ve never camped before myself. You were nice enough to bring me along and it was me who insisted I wanted a real down to earth camping trip, no packaged meals or anything.”

“I’m not worried about who to blame I’m worried about how we are going to get food. If we can’t find anything we will have to cut the trip short and head back to town,” Ron replied sadly.

Sue thought for a second. “Ron, do you like eggs?” she said.

“Uh… yeah… I mean they aren’t my favorite but right now a few eggs would be great. Anything would be great!”

Sue stood up and walked a few meters in front of him. “OK, I’m going to show you something but you need to promise me to keep it a secret.”

“Uh… I guess… but if I don’t know what it is I can’t-“

“Just promise me!” Sue interrupted. “It’s very important to me OK?”

“Alright, alright. I solemnly swear to keep whatever you want to show me between us.”

Sue gave him a nod and started to pull down her pants. Rob blushed quickly. He liked sue very much. She was a cute, intelligent, kind girl, but he didn’t expect things to go so quickly. Did she have feelings for him.

She bent down in front of him and gave a grunt. “Come on, just a good pair of eggs. Nnnngh” She bit her lower lip and pushed a bit harder. Her pussy lips spread open as a pearly white egg twice the size of a chicken egg started to push its way out of her with wet slurping sounds. She huffed heavily as she pushed some more, forcing a second one out as well. 

Ron was dumbfounded. “W-what? Are you a mutant?” he said in disbelief. “Is your mutation laying eggs? Are you some kind of chicken girl?”

“No not exactly.” Sue said with a laugh a she pulled up her pants. “I… really don’t know how to put it, but my body adapts to whatever my current needs are. If I need food, my body produces it. Water? Same deal. Every part of me can change and adapt to my situation. My hair. My skin. Even weirder things. My body always adapts. I’m a level 4 mutant… weird I know considering I basically look human.”

“Wow, so you are like some kind of human Swiss Army Knife…” said Ron, still quite amazed.

“I guess you can say that” said Sue. She began gathering up some dry branches into a pie and then opened her mouth, releasing a small plume of fire that immediately set their new campfire ablaze. “I wanted to come camping to test my limits. But I didn’t want to do it alone. Despite my mutation… it’s scary being in the woods alone. I mean, what if a bear attacked me or… well you get it.”

Ron laughed “so you expected me to not be able to find us any food?”

Sue blushed a bit “Uh, yeah… sorry! No offense.”

“None taken!” said Ron laughing to himself. “To tell you the truth I feel safer with you here too! This weekend is going to be very interesting.”






She still needs to take in stuff that wasn’t produced from her body, right? Otherwise her existence and body functions would violate the law of conservation of mass. But on the other hand she said she is a level 4 mutant (mutants that our science can’t explain). Which is it?


I mean if latter was true, then it would be really mind-blowing O.O


The truth is that his "powers" are very limited. It cannot create mass, only transform what it already possesses.


then those eggs bigger than chicken, are actually her eggs, just made them several times bigger than usual