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“Come ooooon! Just one more match?” I pleaded with the owner of the tennis court.

“No! It’s late. You’ve been playing for four hours straight! There is a line of other players who have been waiting all day to play. This isn’t just your court!” She pointed angrily to a group of players who were quickly losing patience on the sidelines.”

“Grrr, just my luck…”

No one understands how much I love Tennis. I’ve been playing since I was four, and I’ve been addicted since the first time I ever held a racket in my hand. To tell you the truth, pretty much everything else bores me. I only feel alive when I’m on the court perfecting my swing. I want to go pro one day, win a cup, become a champion! Maybe I’ll even play at Wimbledon one day! But I’ll never make it there if I can’t practice!

I remember when our Tennis coach made us play doubles. I HATE doubles. I was able to beat two players at one even before I mutated. I hate depending on someone else when I can win just as good without them.

Ah! I haven’t explained my mutation have I? Well it’s not as dramatic a story as most mutants. I knew I had an active mutant gene from a very young age. The doctors were able to predict by mutation pretty easily. Me and my family were prepared for it, we just didn’t know what it would be.

It wasn’t painful or anything. In fact, I don’t even remember it because it happened in the middle of the night. I slept right through it. I woke up in a new body, a new me so to speak. I had grown another pair of breasts and instead of legs I had a tail, a tail that ended in another me. I shredded my favorite pair of pjs that night. I still haven’t found a comfier pair.

I remember my two heads looking at each other. I panicked for a minute, wondering if I wouldn’t be able to move as fast as I used to without legs, but I was wrong. My tail was blinding fast, and could whip be across the court in seconds. Not only that, but I could be on both sides of the court at the same time. Who better to practice with than me!

Unfortunately, people don’t really get my mutation. Every court I go to It’s the same story. “You can’t play here! Move to the doubles courts!”

“But I’m one person!” I cry, just dying to get some practice in.

“Exactly! The singles courts are for two people playing against each other. Move to the doubles courts so more people can play. No excuses!”

I… really hate my bad luck sometimes. I told you, I HATE doubles, but now I have to play them for life! I guess the only thing I have left to do is become the best.



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