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Let me tell you, I’ve been with a few women in my life. Some are good some are bad, but nothing is better than being with a mutant. They are sweeter, sexier, healthier, funnier, among other things. Human girls just don’t compare.

I met my current girl in a bar, during a party with friends. She’s what you’d call an extreme mutant, level… gah I don’t remember all that science jargon. She was invited, but she might have been the shyest lookin one there.

But boy, she was a knockout. I mean, seriously, she was basically a model. Perfect arms, perfect legs, a perfect figure. She wore this dress that the bar lights shimmered off of, these four matching heels that showed off her dainty feet. She even had a small… I don’t know what you’d call it… like a bracelet on her tail. She was gorgeous.

But she was also lonely. You get a feeling for these things when you’ve been around along I have, a sixth sense so to speak. She laughed and nodded with her friends on the opposite side of the table, but she felt awkward, out of place. She had this look on her face that said “when can I go home?”

I wound up getting to know her better later that love and man, there was this instant connection ya know? Her body was one thing, but her personality? Heh it was even better. She was just so kind and genuine, not like all the other girls you meet in bars.

I learned a bit about why she was so lonely. Her last ex left her after she mutated. Just couldn’t deal with her body. Said she looked like a freak. Ya hear this story all the time, and it’s still bullshit. I mean its 2020 man. Mutants have been around for a while and what are we gonna do, still treat them like it’s the dark ages? I dunno. Fuck that guy, wherever he is.

I don’t wanna bore you with the details, but hey, we hit it off. Couple dates, a movie here or there, a home cooked dinner, and before ya knew it we were a couple. She liked that I didn’t judge her for her body, and I liked that she didn’t try hard to be someone she wasn’t. We were both genuine with each other. That’s what you gotta look for in a girlfriend.

We’ve been together for a year and a half now. We saw each other daily, went on a lot of dates, had the most amazing mind-blowing sex. I’m telling you man, mutant girls fuck like you wouldn’t believe. They have an instinct for it. And everything was goin great…

But then this whole pandemic thing happened and, well, you know the deal. Quarrantines and lockdowns. Kinda gets in the way of budding relationships.

She moved back to her hometown with her parents. Even if it weren’t a three hour drive from me, we couldn’t see each other face to face anyway. Even worse, she’s in the middle of rural bumfuck nowhere. Crappy internet all the way down man. Can’t video call. Can’t even have cybersex like we were horny teens in an AOL chat room. Best we can do is erotic phone calls. They aren’t bad, but it’s not really enough for me.

But she tries. One day she asked me “Breasts or butts?” I always love how direct she is. “I’m a boob guy” I said. Didn’t take her long to send me a selfie of her gorgeous rack.

But ya know, it ain’t breasts or butts that make me nuts about her. It’s… her. The visual aid will help but, really I’d give anything just to be able to hold her again. 

Mutant girls man. They’ll change your life. I know my girl changed mine.




7 likes later… We would definitely enjoy a Full picture some day…


Love the fact that she has two heads and it's not mentionned in the story. It makes for a little nice surprise when looking at the selfie.^^


I'd love to see and read more of her, she sounds lovely


Please show the full picture... I'm sure I'm not the only one who is curious...