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“I already told you, we tried that a long time ago. Don’t you remember?” Ellie said.

Scarlet giggled nervously, flipping through the pages of the humantaur Kamasutra “Look, we have a lot of sex. I can’t remember what positions we’ve tried or not.”

“We don’t have that much sex…” Ellie said. An awkward silence fell on the two. “OK, so yes, we have a lot of sex, but there’s a reason.”

Scarlet laughed to herself “My penis isn’t a good reason you know.”

Ellie rolled her eyes “I’d still be having sex with you even if you didn’t have a penis Scar.” Her tail twitched. “Speaking oooooof.”

“Again? Already? But we just did it 10 minutes ago!”

“Ten minutes too long. I mean come on. I know it feels good to you too.” Ellie ran a finger down her partner’s neck, down to her naked chest. She was lucky. The two humantaurs had nearly the exact same mutations. The only difference was Scar’s penis and elf-like ears. They were practically made for each other.

“Look if we are going to do it again, I get to choose the position” scarlet said still furiously flipping through the book. “Let’s see…”

“How about this one?” Ellie said, putting a finger to a page to stop Scarlet’s furious flapping. “I always wanted to try it. See I highlighted the page and everything.”

“My dick can’t bear that one! It’d be all bent out of shape and…”

“You won’t know it till you try it dear… and I know from first-hand experience that your penis is very, very flexible.” Ellie smiles mischievously, doing her best to convince Scarlet.

With a heavy sigh Scarlet accepted her fate getting into position. She knew she was a pushover. Why fight it? “Are you coming?” 

Ellie began maneuvering close to her, intertwining their legs and tails as they tried to mimic the position in the book. 

“Stand here, just like that.

“No, get down a little more. Just your back pair of hips.”

“Like this? Here hold my weight.”

“Perfect.. now use your tail to…. Oh yeah that’s it”

Both humantaurs continued barking instructions at each other through heavy moans until they finally got it right. They just felt, in synch, their tails tangled, their bodies carried away by the pleasure. 



Chuck W

Wow...just......Wow !!!