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Priss had just arrived home after yet another visit to the doctor. She barely had the strength to climb into her bed and rest. It had been several days since her legs had started weakening. She could feel, she could move them, but she just couldn’t stay on her feet for a reasonable person of time.

Priss was a cute mutant. Short, 5’2”, four arms, four breasts, a fairly standard mutation all things considered. She had this radiant youth about her, which people noticed well before they noticed her mutation.

But even before that, people noticed Priss’s strange affection for her own body. Priss was diagnosed with the mutant gene at a young age and mutated relatively early in life. Her mother wanted to make sure that she was never ashamed of her body, so she went to great lengths to make Priss feel grateful for it. It sunk in deeply to Priss’s mind… perhaps a little too well. Priss would talk of her body as if it were another person, a friend even. For a while, everyone thought Priss had an imaginary friend, but she had made it clear that she was talking about… well… herself.

She remembered her friends badgering her. “Stop doing that. It’s weird. No one names their own vagina!” She had taken to calling her vagina Millie, but people hated when she talked about her in public.

It was a rough time for her, though. The doctors said her mutant gene was still active and she could likely expect another mutation soon. While she originally was excited, she eventually became scared when her body started to weaken. Would she lose body parts? Lose Millie?

Every night she came home, massaged her legs, even gave her vagina a little pep talk. She didn’t want to lose Millie, not like this. She thought if she just kept working out, kept walking, she could keep her body, keep Millie in good condition. Maybe then she wouldn’t mutate away. But every night her legs, and in fact, her entire lower body felt weaker and weaker.

But this night was different. She laid in bed trying to relax, but pain started to rise through her. She was hot, feverish almost. Her body was shaking. She threw off the covers. Threw off her pajamas but couldn’t get comfortable. She heard cracks coming from her legs. She felt like she was losing them, like they were becoming numb.

“No, NO! I don’t… I don’t want to change. I don’t want to lose my…” She couldn’t finish the sentence. Everything went dark.

The next morning Priss felt like she was hit by a truck. A rush of sensations hit her brain… twice. She felt like she was feeling from two different directions, seeing from two different directions. She looked down, and up, at the same time, and saw herself. She was just a mutant with four arms, now she was twice the mutant with four arms! A “Queen” as it were, a reflection of herself at the waist. Two torsos, seven pairs of breasts, eight arms, and a head at each end. 

“OH MY GOD!” both mouths said at once. For a while, they spoke in unison for a while before they both shushed each other. They were a carbon copy of each other, but their thoughts were starting to diverge. 

“You… are me” one of the head said. Or at least, she attempted to say it. Instead she just “thought” it and the other seemed to hear.

“Wow are… are you in my head?” the other thought back.

“Are our minds… connected?” came a thought response.

“But who is the original head…” one spoke out loud before cutting herself off. She smacked her lips and spit a bit, feeling a strange taste and moisture in her mouth. “Er… nevermind. I must have been the vagina.”

“Millie?” Priss said with joy. “OH MY GOD YOU ARE MILLIE!”

“Yeah I… I guess so. I mean, I don’t feel like Millie. I feel like you. I have your memories. But if Millie was my, your… our vagina I guess then I…”

Priss cut off her confusion with a passionate kiss. “I love you!” Priss said. “I was so worried I was going to lose you, but now I can talk to you and you can talk back! I love being a mutant! I love this body! I love that we get to be together forever!”

Millie just blushed bashfully “I… I love you too. I… I think we are going to have to make a lot of calls today.”

“Save it for later. Now I want a bit of love.”

Millie giggled to herself “You know… I was thinking the same thing.” She said pouncing on Priss to give her a kiss back. 



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