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“Yes! Finally!” Monica exclaimed holding a precious package that she had been waiting on for days. She could hardly wait to get home and try it out.

Monica was a beautiful girl, petite and curvy. Some mutants would call her a “normie,” a girl with no mutant gene, and no hope for a future mutation.

But Monica was far from being normal. 

She was a high functioning narcissist. She didn’t just like herself, she LOVED herself. She would spend hours looking at herself in the mirror. She loved her legs, her curves, her breasts. She would bring a breast to her mouth and suck on it erotically, feeling over her wondrous body, but that just wasn’t enough. 

Without any hope of mutating she thought she would never get the opportunity to experience herself more intimately. That’s when she learned of the Magic Knife, an artifact that had been circling around different fetish groups. It had the power to give her what she wanted, or so everyone claimed. She wasn’t sure she believed in magic, but she didn’t care. She had to try.

She eventually tracked it down and signed a pact. It would be sent to her, and she would only be allowed to possess it for a week. She had better make the most of it.

She got home and quickly undressed, sitting on a bench in her living room, only wearing panties and heels. She untied the package to see a large knife with a golden handle and a strange circular knob with a blue jewel in the center.

She read the instructions, turning the knob twice until the jewel glowed crimson. “This must mean the magic is real” she thought to herself, trying to convince herself that what she was about to d wasn’t crazy. She was going to stab herself just for a chance to experience her own body in ways she never had before.

“This is not time for doubt” she thought. “This is what I always wanted.” The sook a deep breath, rested the knife slightly under her left armpit, and pushed it in.

The knife entered her flesh delicately, painlessly, and bloodlessly. It was as if you were pushing a hot knife through room temperature butter. Her flesh felt numb underneath it moving apart like clay. Her fear and nervousness was turning to great excitement. She took old of the knife harder and with one swift stroke, cut across her breasts to her other armpit. 

The incision done, her top half started falling backwards. She quickly put up her hands, grasping onto her torso to stop her fall.

“Oh God! Oh God!” she said excitedly, barely able to believe what was happening. She used her rms to walk in front of the rest of her body. For the first time she was beholding herself head on, not in front of a mirror. She saw her curvy body finishing just above her breasts. She could see how her chest moved every time her head took a breath. She didn’t know how it worked. She didn’t care. All she knew was that this was amazing.

“Hello precious,” she said to her own body. “I’m finally going to get to have a date with myself.”

She climbed over her body and felt how it shuddered. It was her own feelings, she knew this, but somehow it still felt like she was touching someone else. Someone else just as beautiful as her.

“Wow, aren’t you shy? You beautiful thing you.” She hugged her body and sucked hard on her right breast. She moved her right arm down, reaching between her legs and felt how wet she was getting.

“Should we take this to the bedroom” she whispered to her body. They slowly started walking off as Monica laughed to herself “I think I’ll have to take off work this week.”




Only one week? I can't imagine many people who are into NBM, especially ones who love looking at themselves, accepting just one lone week with such a powerful and incredible artifact. I just hope Monica can get enough of this lone experience, really take advantage and exhaust her passions before she has to return it or risk breaking the pact in order to keep a hold of it for a while longer.