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The pieces of an extremely expensive antique Mediterranean ceramic vase lay scattered at Rose’s feet.

“Oh no! I can’t believe how clumsy I am!” Rose said between sobs. She sat on the floor, sore from her fall, her three long legs tangled with themselves. “This is the third object I broke this month…” she said with a heavy frowning sigh.

The awkward made stood on her shaky legs. She was starting to get used to walking in her high platform shoes, but she was undeniably a bit of a klutz. She caught her shoe on the edge of the carpet and fell forward, and when she tried to catch herself with two legs at once they just got in her way. She grabbed at anything around her to help her keep her balance. Unfortunately, she found the vase.

Despite the whole mess being one big accident, she couldn’t help but feel guilty. “Master is so good to me and I’ve been so reckless,” she wailed. “Maybe I don’t deserve to be here after all.”

Rose collected the bits and pieces as best she could, hoping she could somehow repair it, but despaired at the fine sprinkling of ceramic dust that lay on the floor, dust that used to be a vase that paid several years of her salary. She put them in a bag, adjusted her maid outfit, and finished cleaning the hall.

“I’m going to have to speak with master…” she said, the guilt weighing heavy on her shoulders. “I’ll explain what happened and…. And probably have to give my resignation.”

A few hours later the man she called Master arrived home at his mansion. It was a long day and all he wanted was to rest. He entered the hall, and saw Rose, in her maid outfit, averting her eyes, a look of almost painful sorrow across her face.

“W-welcome home Master. I… have something I need to tell you.”

“No no, don’t say it,” the Master said interjecting. “You broke something, right?”

“Yes! I… I didn’t mean it” she said with tears in her eyes. “I broke the vase… the expensive one. I tripped on the carpet and hit it when I fell down. I know that vase could have paid for three other maids much more talented than me. I’ll just… leave and never come back…”

“Rose… ugh… yes that vase was expensive,” said the boss, exhausted from his day’s work “but you are worth more than just your paycheck. If you left, then life around here would be less happy… and a whole lot less interesting. You say you are going to leave every time you make a mistake and I’ll say the same thing I always say. Please don’t.”

“Really Master?” Rose said with tears in her eyes.

“Yes really” her Master said with a smile on his face. “I’d happily trade in several priceless artifacts for your company.”

“Oh thank you Master!” Rose said with a sobbing joy. “I promise I will be more careful. Maybe I should stop wearing heels.”

“Now now, that would be a shame. First leaving and now giving up heels? Don’t make your master cry.”

Rose smiled and nodded. Her master laughed again, “Oh, and I know you already have your bags packed. You might as well bring them back to your room.”

“Y, yes master. Right away.” Rose reached into the other room and picked up several suitcases that she had packed, ready to move out. She happily started running upstairs with them to unpack them back in her room. Unfortunately she was running so fast she slipped.

“Oh no!” she said as a suitcase went tumbling down the stairs flinging her clothes everywhere.

“Never a dull moment” her Master said, smiling as he bent down to help her pick them up.



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