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I was on my way home when I saw.. her? I suppose I should say her. It was half a girl, a pair of legs. But it wasn’t just any pair of legs. It was an incredibly beautiful pair, captivating in the way they walked. They were smooth, completely clean shaven, clad in a pair of black panties and Louboutin heels. They walked confidently in those heels, as if they were very used to wearing them. Was, this a mutant? Or was some mutant careless enough to misplace such beautiful legs.

They were turning the corner with a timid pause. It appeared as if they didn’t know the neighborhood. I approached to try and help them, but they avoided me. It would be several more minutes until they came back to me, as if resigning themselves to my aid.

I tried to look for some identifying marks, a tattoo, an ankle bracelet with an address or name on it, I even checked her shoes. Nothing. The only thing I could think of was to bring them home so they can rest.

They settled on my sofa. Their skin was perfect, like a blend of silk and velvet. I couldn’t bear the curiosity so I peeked under their panties. Their pussy was hairless, pink lips delicate and perfect. I couldn’t tell if the legs couldn’t tell what I was doing, or if they didn’t care.

I took off their heels so they can rest their feet. They had a perfect pedicure, recently made even. They must have gotten lost recently. That was when I noticed a small toe-ring, something I didn’t check before. I took it off and inscribed along the inside was a phone number. FINALLY! Not that I didn’t enjoy touching this perfect pair of legs, but it was time to get them back to their owner.

I called the number and assumed that the legs’ owner picked up, but actually it was some sort of assistant. She said that she and her “lady” would come by in a few minutes. Lady? Was she rich? Royalty? Some kind of celebrity.

I took the spare time to massage the delicate feet in my lap. I am not particularly sure how but, they look pleased. They even got playful. At one point they pushed their left foot against my groin in a seductive way. While I couldn’t deny my arousal, I didn’t want to go too far with the owner soon arriving.

Soon, the bell rang.  A young woman dressed in an all-black suit answered. “Thank you for taking care of my lady’s legs,” she said in a stern and serious voice. “They sometimes run away when she sleeps. It’s not a problem in the mansion, but my lady insisted on going out for a hair cut and pedicure. She fell asleep while she was waiting for her hair to dry and here we are.”

I looked over her shoulder to see what may have been the most expensive car I have ever seen parked in front of my lawn. Out of the window I saw an incredibly beautiful young woman, slightly blushing, dressed in a while dress and covering her eyes with sunglasses. The legs almost skipped excitedly as she neared, running over to her. The girl opened the door, rolled up her dress, lefted her with her arms and climbed atop the legs where her skin fused back into one. The most beautiful girl I had ever seen was now whole again. She nodded to me in a gesture of thanks and entered the car.

“She is grateful” said her assistant. “Thank you for calling the emergency number we keep on her toe ring. It would be bad if my lady’s legs fell into the wrong hands. I expect you will not share the number with anyone, yes?” She looked into my eyes with a cold stare. I nodded. “Good” she said.

“I just, did what any good person would do” I said nervously, trying to prove my good intentions.

The assistant laughed a bit. “My lady can still feel her legs when they are detached. You apparently give excellent foot massages. I hope you called us on your personal line. The lady wants to… save your number for later.”

With that her assistant gave a small bow and got back into the car, slowly driving away to who knows where. There’s no chance a girl like her would be interested in a guy like me…. Is there? I laughed, convincing myself that it was impossible… but I certainly did keep my phone charged and in my pocket at all times for the next few days.



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