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 Emily shakily put her hands on her now wider than normal hips, fiddling with the torn fabric of her skirt. A look of annoyance and grief flashed across her face.

“It happened this afternoon.” She said. “I had a really good day at work so I thought I’d head to the mall and treat myself. I was walking through the food court when I started to feel nauseous. Then I felt pressure. Then pain. It was a very strange sensation, like my insides were crawling around.” Emily slumped backward in her favorite chair, exhausted. She let out a small whimper as the armrests felt tight against her wide hips and a sigh as the very act of recounting the day’s events was draining.

“I can’t imagine. Was it over quickly?” -Paul said, incredulously.

“Thankfully yes.” Emily said leaning back against the headrest. As least something hadn’t changed. “It was a minute at most. I felt hot and out of breath, and there was a tingling deep inside me. Then everything started to crack and pop. It was painful. It felt like something was dying to get out of me. I felt this need to push and when I did I felt skin and bones and muscles move. It was like a horror movie.  Eventually it felt like something popped, and the pressure released, that’s when my new leg grew. It was really fast too, it shredded my underwear.”

“Oh hooooo so does that mean you aren’t wearing anything under that skirt?” Paul said trying to break the dour mood.

“Paul, please, I'm literally a tripod now. A mutant! Can we focus, just for a second, on something other than my lack of panties?”

Paul winced when his joke landed so poorly. “Sorry, I’m just having a hard time absorbing it all. I have seen lots of people with mutations but they’ve always been minor.”

“Same” Emily replied. “There was a lot of stuff I could have dealt with, or even liked. Pointed ears, extra nipples, heck I would have even been OK with a tail. But this… this is so much. I couldn’t even hide it if I wanted to.”



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