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 Hello my dear aliens! It’s been so long and it’s so nice to be with you again.

I apologize for not uploading more photos but I’ve been busy. I’ve practically been on a tour, going to several laboratories to run tests on my body. Because, yes, it’s true dear aliens… I have mutated again, and the new me is beyond imagination!

Do you know what a level 4 mutant is. It’s a mutant whose body has transformed (or in my case, “perfected”) so much that their biology doesn’t even make sense to current day science. Well you, my dear aliens, are now fans of the most shockingly beautiful level 4 mutant of this or any other solar system.

Let’s do the before and after thing. First, we have me from three weeks ago. Super-hot, I know, but oh so boring and human. 

Now, you have me from today, no longer just your Alien Girlfriend, now your Alien Queen!

I can’t even begin to describe the wondrous things that have happened to me. I can now separate my body into three independent sections. They are all me, and to an extent I can control them all, but they also kind of have a mind of their own, a hive mind, if you will.

First, there’s my head. It was the first part of my body to mutate and it hasn’t changed much. All the mutations from last time are here, the tentacle tongues, three eyes, four ears, four legs, and of course wings, which I’m happy to say have gotten bigger and stronger since last we talked.

Then there is my torso. New eyes formed above my breasts, which is great because now I have a better sense of where it is when my head is detached. My breasts themselves formed two mouths with their own tentacle tongues. They are like little mini-mes. We sang in vocal harmony the other day and it was beautiful… if I wasn’t so busy being your Alien Queen, I could probably make a killing on Mutant Idol.

You’ve probably noticed some other changes to my torso as well. I now have four arms and four new crablike legs, which allows my torso to move around independently. I also have two new breasts under my original ones. These are more my “real” breasts now, since my original breasts are now for talking and eating. 

Then there is my bottom half. My legs grew a new section and, to be honest, this might be my favorite change. All girls should be so lucky to have legs as long as this! I also grew a second set of legs. Good thing I had another set of heels lying around.

My vagina turned into a mouth. You might be wondering how I… hehe… you know but to be honest, I haven’t had to go to the bathroom since I changed! There’s some weird chemistry going on in me, and I’m not sure what. Oh well, I don’t need to! That’s what the lab visits are for.

Finally I have a long tail with a big glorious eye. It’s really strange to be able to experience trinocular, binocular, and monocular vision all at once, depending on what part of my body I’m looking out of, but I honestly have never had better vision on my life. (Here’s a secret, your human Alien Girlfriend needed glasses but just wore contacts, but your Alien Queen doesn’t need them at all!)

Being able to be in three places at once is genuinely incredible. I feel like a community in myself. I’ve been dying to try all these bodies out at once, but you know… quarantine. Luckily a few restrictions have been lifted recently, so I went out for a walk with my head, while my torso sat back and played video games and legs had some, hehe, sexual fun. The walls of my vagina mouth are still so very sensitive…. It’s almost too easy to get myself off. I have to be careful though. I was flying when I reached orgasm and I nearly fell out of the air!

My life has picked up so much since my mutation. I’m already working out some talk show dead and modeling sessions for some fetish magazines. I’m even trying out for a movie! I would be playing, of course, an alien girl. Now I have to hope that my acting is as wonderful as my mutation. I can barely contain myself!

Remember, your queen is thinking about all of you my little hivelings, and remember…

The truth is out there!




I had extremely high expectations for this part, but this is even better than I had hoped. Seriously amazing conclusion to this series!


Absolutely Wonderful! Amazing, Stunning, Brilliant, Adorable, Sexy, Hot, Beautiful... words are not enough to express how much I love this one Access.


Awesome conclusion, I really liked this series. It would be amazing if you could make more content like this.


That's what you call a level 4 mutant. What a complexe body she has!


The narrative is a great extra layer. If you ever bring her back I would love to see posts about say her getting a boyfriend.