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The morning was barely breaking on the farm, but everyone was already awake and at work. Annie Brownie, the cute puppy girl, went to the barn to see Thea coordinating the next delivery of milk that would leave for the city. She saw Alaska, the massive stud girl pulling a wheelbarrow full of food and supplies. She saw Lotus, the snake girl, resting on a hay bale basking in the sun.

…OK, not everyone was at work.

Dixie and Golden, the chicken girls, were rushing to their egg laying shift. Licorice and Smokey, the sheep girls, were shaving themselves, filling boxes with wool that would then be sent off to be spun into fabric and thread. There were goat girls making cheese, pig girls fixing the barn, even a bee girl pollinating flowers and producing honey from her breasts.

“They are all working so very hard,” Annie thought to herself. “I need to do my part too!”

The adorable little puppy brushed her hair and practices some flirty poses that she saw the older animal mutants do. She took a large cushion from the farmhouse and set it up outside the front door. She also found a leftover blank canvas and fashioned a makeshift sight that said:


“Done! Now I just have to wait for someone to adopt me and I can donate all the money I make to the farm! Hehe!”

Cars came and went, most of them filled with the farm’s standard customers, chefs, wholesalers, groceries, and the like, but by the middle of the day vehicles filled with sketchy guys and fraternity jerks were pulling up alongside the road. Wondering what was going on, Thea and Alaska went to investigate and found the puppy making flirty “come hither” motions at the passing cars.

“Annie Brownie, I was just looking for y- Wait… what the heck are you doing?” Thea exclaimed seeing her sign, cushion, and awkward behavior.

“Thea! I’m so happy you are here! I’m going to contribute to the farm like everyone else. I’m going to let someone adopt me, and then I’ll give you all the money I make!”

Thea laughed to herself “Annie, darling.” Thea said in an understanding tone. “Do you know what adoption means? If someone adopts you, then you’ll have to leave the farm forever.”

“FOREVER!” Annie said, standing up and flailing her arms. “What!? No! I thought it was like a date, but like one that someone pays you to go on. You get paid, you go out, you have fun, and then you come home with the money right?”

“That’s called prostitution!” Lotus called out from the top of her hay bale.

“Oh shut it!” shouted Alaska with an angry scowl.

Thea turned back to Annie giving her a pat on the head. “No honey. Adoption is when people bring you into their family. If you were adopted into a new family, you would have to leave this one.”

“I don’t want to leave this family” Annie said meekly, a few tears in her eyes.

“Good, and we don’t want you to leave either.” Thea said with a warm smile. “Besides, I don’t like the look of most of these guys. I don’t think they would treat you well.”

“Hey! Come on already. We want to adopt the dog!” one of the jerks shouted from their car.

“Yeah, we will be sure to treat her reeeeeal nice!” another jerk said, licking his lips in an eerie way.

Alaska walked over to the car and put a hand on the roof. Her strength caused the whole carriage to shake, startling the men inside. She lifted her massive stud penis with her other hand and bent over to look the men in the eye. “Come on sugar. Why would you want to adopt the little puppy when you can be with a big strong woman like me.” She licked her lips in the same way the creepy jerk did, which made them both pull back in fear.

“N-no, thank you. We’re good!” The frightened men rolled up the window and quickly pulled away, the other dubious vehicles soon following.

“Hah typical!” Alaska said with a laugh as she walked back over to Thea and Annie. “Weak men always run when they see someone bigger than them.”

“Thanks Alaska, and I’m sorry. I’m sorry to you too Thea” Annie said wiping away a few of her tears. “I love you all so much. I promise I’ll never offer myself up for adoption again.”

“Good girl” Thea said, petting her head once more. “Now come with me. We had a big yield last night and I could use some help counting it all.”

“Really!” Annie said excited “I can help?”

“Of course!” Alaska said with a chuckle “We’d be happy for your help. I mean who else is gonna pitch in, Lotus? HAH!”

“I HEARD THAT! I’M COLD BLOODED AND I NEED TO WARM UP BEFORE WORKING! YOU KNOW THAT!” Lotus shouted in an annoyed voice from afar.

The three girls laughed to themselves and went back into the farmhouse. 



Master of Muffin

I for one would love to see the stud girl's shaft


Shes been drawn on this Patreon before https://www.patreon.com/posts/color-animal-6523626


Need a shot of all the farm girls at work.