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“Phew! What a day!” both of Athena’s heads exclaimed with an exhausted sign. She had spent the better part of the day cleaning and doing chores, when she wasn’t looking after her babies.

It was still an hour before her husband Peter would return from work. She took this rare moment of relaxation fall back into her favorite chair, turn on the TV for some background noise, and let one of her heads drift to sleep. It was a small trick she learned a month ago. It didn’t quite refresh her the way a full night’s sleep or even a nap would, but it was a decent way to recharge without totally passing out.

AS her right head snorted and snored in her sleep, her left thought back to a time when her life was very different, a time when the name Athena, the name of a goddess, felt far too big for her.

She met Peter back when she was in college, before she mutated. Back then she was just a shy five foot tall girl with an interest in literature. It’s not often that you stay with your college love forever, but she and Peter really clicked. They were married not long after they graduated. Peter got a job as a professor at their alma mater while Athena worked freelance as a consultant and research assistant.

However, Athena’s real aspiration was always to have a family, another thing she shared in common with her husband. It was an aspiration which would be realized only a few years after their marriage. She and Peter rejoiced after the pregnancy test came back positive, but the doctor’s visit came with two new surprises.

First, she was expecting twins.

Second, she had the mutant gene. 

Athena had already gone through puberty with no mutations and was well into adulthood. The doctor explained how it’s usually chemical changes in the body that trigger a mutation, and that pregnancy changes your body chemistry just as much as puberty does. So, she prepared herself. She decided that no matter how she mutated, she would be a good mother and wife.

And yet the mutation didn’t come. She carried the babies to term without any mutations at all. The delivery was ideal, with fewer complications than even the doctors expected. She has a baby boy and girl, both healthy and beautiful. Athena and Peter finally had the family they wanted, and it looked like even the pregnancy wasn’t enough to cause her to mutate.

But life is funny that way. Sometimes the biggest challenges of your life feel like nothing while the small stressors change your life forever.

Raising the twins was draining, but fulfilling. Athena and Peter took turns tending to the babies at night. They slept in shifts, neither of them getting a full nights rest. Someone was always up, changing diapers, heating a bottle, checking on them when they cried. It was a full time job, but luckily the university had given Peter some paternity leave and his help was more than appreciated.

With the knowledge that Peter would one day have to return to work, Athena tried to take most of the responsibility on herself. She pushed her body to the breaking point, handling chores around the house, getting very little sleep, and taking care of the babies as well. She wanted Peter to not have to worry about her when her paternity leave was up. He protested, insisting that she let herself rest, but she wouldn’t listen.

Then one night, she pushed herself too far.

Exhausted and barely able to move her body, she dragged herself to the side of the bed, gently rocking Peter to wake him up. “Honey…” Athena said softly. “I… I don’t think I can look after the babies tonight. My body feels like it weighs a ton. I’m sorry but, can you cover for me?”

“Of course honey!” Peter said giving her a loving hug. “You already do so much. You must be exhausted. Lie down and get some rest.”

“Thank you” Athena said with a soft smile. She fell back onto the bed as Peter left to deal with the children.

What happened next was bizarre to say the least. Athena tried to relax, but it felt like her skin was crawling, or rather, something below her skin was crawling. It was her muscles, shifting and moving beneath her body. At first she thought it was just fatigue, but then she got a glimpse of her actual muscles, bulging, and tightening. She got up, her clothes feeling tight. She tried to call for Peter, but sound wouldn’t come out. Maybe it was shock. Maybe it was exhaustion.

Her muscles continued to grow, as the bones in her body thickened and lengthened. She could feel herself growing, taller, thicker, stronger. Her breasts grew several sizes, and as she arched her back, two more sets grew beneath them, heavy and engorged with milk. She ripped out of her pajamas as they became too small to contain her growing body, moaning softly to herself.

She reached a hand forward, only to see her knuckles moving and cracking. Her fingers pushed together, replacing her five dainty fingers with three, longer, thicker, stronger ones. The same happened with her toes, merging down to three which felt far more sturdy and powerful. Every part of her body just felt solid and strong. 

She leaned forward as if by instinct. Her shoulder blades cracked and split under her skin. She moaned and flexed them as they grew, pushing out against her skin, new muscles and bones growing. Even before she saw it, she felt it. She knew she was growing a second pair of arms.

And the most bizarre mutation of all, was when her head split apart. She felt her skull crack and cave in, bisecting itself. Her face pulled at itself, stretching sideways, and dividing into two halves. Her eyes were shut tight, as she felt new flesh growing, and when her eyes opened again, she would see out of four, four eyes on two heads, each with a long golden horn growing out of her forehead. 

As her mutation slowed to a stop, she felt herself exhale heavily. She turned to look at herself in the mirror. She was nearly seven feet tall and she looked like some sort of two headed ogre. But she felt, honestly, amazing.

It was weird. She had heard tales of mutations being painful, but this wasn’t painful at all. She wondered if it was because of the hormones from pregnancy still circulating through her body. Or maybe her views of pain were just skewed. After all, there is practically nothing more painful than childbirth.

But this didn’t feel painful. It didn’t feel like her body was tearing itself apart. Rather, it felt like her body was waking up. She felt like a butterfly coming out of a cocoon. Like a new her was born, a new her that she instantly loved. She felt the power in her muscles, the thumping of her heart, the barreling breath her massive lungs were able to take in. Her body was Amazonian in nature. The flexed her arms and chest and suddenly a stream of milk came out of her new breasts. They weren’t even sore. It’s like she was built to be a mother. Built to raise her children. She had wished to be strong for Peter, and now she was.

“I think I have to empty these” one head said, the tatters of her pajamas having caught most of the milk.

“God I hope Peter doesn’t freak out” the other said, as she went to the bathroom and began milking herself into a few prepared baby bottles. It felt good, not just sexual but, loving and motherly to milk herself, knowing it will be used to feed her babies. She was doing a mother’s duty.

Athena remembered how Peter almost passed out later that night when he saw her in her new giant sexy form. They stayed up all night exploring her body, figuring out how it works, and that morning they made love. It was a unique experience for Peter to play a more submissive role in front of his wife’s strong and muscular body. Despite staying up all night, Athena wasn’t tired. Her stamina had grown so much, just through this mutation.

Over the next few months Athena made some changes to accommodate her new life. The largest expenditures were a whole new wardrobe purchased from the big and tall store, and some new furniture that better held her new body’s weight, Still, despite her changes being quite radical, and the doctors classifying her as a level 3 mutant when next she had a checkup, she didn’t have to make too many adjustments. New clothes and sturdier chairs were a small price to pay for this new body which she felt was a clear upgrade. 

Honestly, the most frustrating thing to do was drive, since cars just weren’t built for tall people, but then again she figured that wasn’t a problem that only mutants had. There were definitely some tall humans out there that were feeling her pain. Besides, she spent most of her time at home, caring for the kids, so she spent far less time driving than she used to.

Now sitting on her comfy chair, wiped after a day’s worth of mothering, her left head laughed to herself. “My body was made for this job and the twins still manage to tire me out. Haha, no one ever said being a mother was easy.” She leaned over to kiss her right head awake as she saw Peter’s car pulling up the driveway.

“Mmmmmm…. This is the best way to wake up.” Her right head said as she slowly blinked her eyes open.

“True” her left head whispered. “Hey Peter’s almost home. What say we wait for him naked?”

“Without a doubt” said her right head as she began to remove her dress.

She was tired, but she still had some energy left for a little fun. 




I wonder if at the end it's a little game she does between her heads or if she's slowly starting to have two personalities.^^