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“I can’t stand her anymore” said the boy with a spiteful disdain. “Quarantine is bad enough, but now I’m grounded on top of it.”

“Less talking more peeling” his mother said, motioning to the large heap of unpeeled potatoes serving as his current punishment. “And what’s this about hating your cousin? A few years ago you said you wanted to marry her.”

“I did not!” protested the boy. “Or if I did, I didn’t mean it.”

“Hah! I clearly remember the first time you saw her. You couldn’t stop talking about her for weeks.

The boy grumbled and went back to peeling potatoes. It bothered him that his mom remembered every dumb thing he said. 

He thought back to that moment, when his uncle moved back to Port Solei. He had eloped with a mutant woman, a single mother with four arms and four breasts. It shocked the family at first, and there were still more conservative parts of the family that didn’t approve. However, the boy’s mother was one of the first to reach out, and soon became fast friends with hi new aunt.

The day that they first met was eye opening for him. He had never seen a mutant woman up close. He only had pictures and the angry rants of his grandparents to go by. Understanding that mutants were really, well, real was a formative experience.

But not nearly as formative as meeting his new cousin. He had never met a prettier girl and despite her mutation she could easily have been considered his first love. Of course, he was young at that time, too young to know what love meant. Frankly, he was probably still too young.

“That was then!” the boy replied, snapping himself out of his own reminiscence. “This is now. Every time I see her something bad happens.”

“Nothing bad would happen if you weren’t so ‘clumsy’” the mother said in a mocking tone.

“I seriously didn’t mean to do any of it!” the boy shouted, going back to his pile of potatoes. Things were difficult. He would be living with his cousin for a long time but he felt like he couldn’t even get close to her anymore. He was already grounded long enough to last several quarantines, and he blamed her… but he also still liked her. He hated that he liked her. It was all so confusing.

“Ok, that’s enough” his mother said, as the boy absentmindedly started letting his peels drop the floor. “You look exhausted. Take a break and, I don’t know, maybe play some video games with your cousin. Try to make amends. Just…” she paused with a heavy sigh “be careful this time, ok?”

The boy put down the peeler, went to the bathroom, washed his hands, and entered the living room where he saw his cousin playing Soul Calibur 2, a classic that they had played many times before as young children. She was sitting on the couch wearing a warm knit top and elastic shorts. 

“Weren’t you serving out your sentence in the kitchen?” His cousin said with a stony look on her face.

“I got time off for good behavior,” he replied. “Mind if I play?”

“So you got bored of your Mom so now you want me to punish you?” she said with a malicious smile. “Pick up the controller.”

They played several rounds and the boy had to admit that she was good. He wasn’t able to take a match. Despite his horrible performance, the atmosphere was relaxed. They laughed, trash talked, brought up good memories about the game. It was probably the best interaction the two had since quarantine started.

“I’m just out of practice. But I’m getting there. I bet I can even win the next fight-“

“DONE!” the girl replied. “And the winner can demand one thing from the loser.” She was cooking up a little revenge plot in her mind. 

“A-anything?” the boy responded.

“Anything.” The girl gave him a wink. 

The boy was confused. Was she flirting with him? Was she just screwing with him? What was she scheming? In the end it didn’t matter. He planned to have her tell his mom that she forgave him so that he can get out of this endless series of punishments. That would be enough.

They were at the character select screen and his cousin was debating between Ivy or Taki when he noticed a stray thread sticking out of her top. “Hold on, let me just…” he said as he reached over to grab it. He yanked on it hard and immediately realized the mistake he made. It was like a chain reaction. The thread gave way and the top unraveled, his cousin’s three generous breasts being laid bare to the air.

She covered her breasts and her face flushed red with embarrassment and anger. “WHAT THE FUCK!” she screamed at the top of her lungs. “CAN’T WE SPEAK TO EACH OTHER FOR THREE MINUTES WITHOUT YOU TRYING TO SEE MY FUCKING TITS!”

“No! It was an accident! I swear!” The boy’s face went pale. He couldn’t believe this was happening again.

“You think I’m going to believe you? You have the world’s biggest boner right now. You are such a pervert!”

“Well, yeah? What about your bo-“

“AUNTIE!” the girl shouted before the boy could finish his sentence. “HE TOOK OFF MY BRA THIS TIME AND HE’S STARING RIGHT AT MY DICK!”

She stomped out of the room with outrage on her face, though the boy noticed what could have been a flirtatious sway to her hips. Was she… getting off on getting him in trouble?

“What do I have to be so STUPID?” he said to himself. He started to question whether or not this was some sort of big plan. Did she mean to do this? Was the game just bait? Had she been purposefully been putting herself in harms way all this time just to embarrass him.

“Well, thank god I can’t be punished anymore. Mom already has me doing all the chores.” He said to himself.

“I’m withholding your allowance for the rest of quarantine!” his mom shouted from the other room.

The boy looked to the heavens and shook his fist “CURSE YOU GOD!”




She's so beautiful, I love her long black hair