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“Crap, what time is it?” Fleur said to herself, yawning, rolling over in bed, and checking her phone with blurry eyes. “Ah, shit, now I’m going to be late.”

The somewhat elven looking mutant tossed aside her sheets and stretched, shaking off the fatigue that comes from a restless sleep. As usual, her penises were all erect and wet, staining her nightgown. Getting used to this mutation was… complicated.

“I hate this” she grumbled, annoyed at her own anatomy. “Why do I have to have so many big dicks! Couldn’t I have just grown one of average size if I really had to?” 

Fleur stood up, rubbing her eyes with one right hand and holding her massive main erection with the other. She shivered as her dicknipples rubbed against the moist fabric of her now soiled clothes. “I’d rather let you all calm down on your own” she said addressing her five penises as if they had a mind of their own “but I have a commitment, so let’s get this over with.”

She took off her gown and stepped into her bathroom, the cold air from a window recklessly left open only hardening her dicknipples further. “Normal guys get soft when it’s cold. Just my luck that it makes me rock hard.”

Stepping into the shower, she turned on the water and began to move her four arms rhythmically over her breasts and all five dicks. Time had taught her where her “spots” were, so she wasted no time. She squeezed and fondled, her breasts bounding up and down as she vigorously jerked them off. She let loose a soft grunt as she felt pressure in her lower left breast release, a generous load of semen shooting toward the tile wall.

“Well” she said catching her breathe “One down. Only four to go.”

She continued stroking her remaining breasts with three of her hand, her fourth rubbing over her main dick. She bit her lower lip as some of her breasts started throbbing, visibly pulsing as she got closer and closer to climax. Her lower right breast released next, followed by her upper breasts. She stifled a scream feeling all three orgasms come on at once. She had started to get used to the multiple orgasms that came with having five dicks, but they could still take her by surprise. The sheer force of her upper right breast’s ejaculation made her knees go weak, causing her to lean against the wall.

“J-just a l-little more… nnnnnnf” she turned all her attention to her the penis at her crotch, but it stubbornly didn’t want to cooperate, keeping her teetering on the edge like some sort of sick game. She began stroking it with two hands, while a third slipped a finger into her vagina. She would have used her fourth if it was the only thing keeping her standing, braced against the wall.

“A-almooost there, oh god, oh god, oh GOD! OOOOOOH!” She felt her dick pulse and surge, and as her muscles tightened, her back arching, her hands desperately holding on to her engorged member, she felt a powerful climax rock through her, semen shooting so hard against the wall that it splashed back on her. She stood there, hot water pouring over her as she heaved deep breaths, her breasts and dick nipples rising and lowering with each lungful of air.

“F-finally” she said as she watched what was still a bizarre aspect of her mutation. Her dicknipples slowly started to shrink with a slurping sound, receding into her breasts until only the head was barely poking out. Her main dick did the same, shriveling up and settling where her clit would usually be. Now a manageable size, she went about washing her breasts and multiple genitalia, cleaning the evidence of her little morning session thoroughly.

She stepped out of the shower, her sexual mutations now small enough to at least get dressed and go out. As she was putting on clothes, her phone suddenly rang.

“Fleur!” It was Ruby, her best friend, and the reason why she was so pressed for time. “Hey! Are you on your way? The weather’s great today and the beach is gonna be even better.”

“I haven’t left yet Ruby, but I’ll be there,” Fleur said, packing a bag with some sunscreen.

“Come on! You are always late!”

“I couldn’t help it! I had, you know, the problem…”

“Morning wood?” said Ruby, giggling to herself about Fleur’s misfortune.

“Yes, morning wood,” grumbled Fleur with annoyance. “But I’m FINE” she snapped “I’ll get dressed and see you there.”

“Alright, I’ll wait for you. Hurry up!” Ruby said, hanging up with another giggle.

Fleur couldn’t want to go to the beach less. She was still so tired, and if the waves got too rough her dicks could get… excited… and start to show through her swimsuit. But she made a promise and she didn’t want to disappoint her friend.

“Maybe…” Fleur thought as she went to pack an extra set of clothes “I can just say I forgot my swimsuit. Then Ruby can’t force me to swim with her, and I can just take a nice relaxing nap on the sand.

Fleur deliberately threw her swimsuit to the ground and went to meet Ruby without it. “A nice long nap sounds good right about now.”




Lovely story^^


So she went to the beach without her swimsuit you say