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“I really screwed up this time” the boy muttered to himelf as he watered his garden. “I seriously wasn’t trying to see her naked. I didn’t mind of course, b-but that wasn’t my intention!”

Quarantine had begun and his extended family was all quarantining together, which meant that his mutant cousin was staying over. He had always kind of liked her, but was stunned to see that the passage of time had turned her into a real beauty.

“I have to apologize.” He said, arguing with himself in internal monologue. “I don’t want her to think I’m some sort of creep.”

“Hey!” came a cry from behind him. Without thinking he swiveled, hose in hand, only to see his cousin standing there before drenching her with a jet of icy cold water.

“Agh goddammit! Look what you did you idiot!” She huffed under her breath as she began wringing moisture out of her hair and dress.

“S-sorry!” the boy said, his voice cracking out of sheer nervousness. “You took me by surprise. I didn’t mean to… I didn’t… I” He slowly stopped talking when he realized he can see his cousin’s body through the wet white cloth. He couldn’t help but stare at her three perfect breasts through her wet dress as if he were a patron at a museum viewing a work of art from behind protective glass. 

However, his haze of appreciation would be broken after he received a heavy shove from his cousin. “I KNEW IT!” she shouted, anger in her eyes, her face contorted into a scowl, and her cheeks beat red. “This was another one of your dumb plans to see me naked! What’s wrong with you!?”

“No, it’s not… look it’s not my fault you don’t wear a bra!” said the boy defensively.

“You are looking straight at my boobs! I’m standing here freezing my ass off in the cold because you don’t know how to use a garden hose, and the first thing you think of is to treat me like some sort of peep show!”

“W-well judging by your boner you don’t look so cold to me!” the boy snapped, pointing directly to the girl’s erect phallus. 

The redness of her cheeks flushed out to her entire face. She gritted her teeth as tears fell from her eyes. “MY PENIS IS NONE OF YOUR BUISINESS!” she screamed turning around and walking back toward the house with angry stomps. She turned back briefly before heading inside shouting “I’m telling your mom” before slamming the door shut with all her force.

The boy stood, hose in hand, water stream drenching the ground beneath him to a muddy mess, as he watched the wet angry beauty leave his sight. “I’m sure I’m going to get punished again…” He sighed heavily accepting his fate, but couldn’t help but grin in satisfaction as well. It might just be worth it.




Futas probably think you're hot though...

Adrian Livingston

Well to say something positive I think think the art and story are well done also keep up the good work