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 Hey Aliens! It's your real and now more alien than ever ETGirlffiend.  This is amazing! My mutation has progressed and my head has changed  quite a bit.  I grew a third eye on my forehead and it's way cooler than you could  imagine. It has this huge range of movement and it kind of, Idk swivels?  My peripheral vision has expanded so much. I can almost see over my  head! 

My ears split into four and they have these cute points now. I can  wiggle them around too. My sound perception is amazing! Maybe too much  so. I can hear people talking several doors down. It gets distracting at  night.  My tongue has split apart into... I guess you would call them tentacles?  When they first grew in they just thrashed wildly but I can control  them decently now. They are a bit sticky and very elastic. If I try  really hard I can even use them to give my nipples some love. Don't  worry though, I can still speak fine. I just need to concentrate on  keeping them inside my mouth. They like to wriggle free when my mind  wanders.  

Weirdest of all, I have these strange little crab leg looking things as  the base of my head. Crazy right? I have no idea what they are but I  have a feeling I haven't finished mutating yet. Everything still  tingles...  Anyway that's all for now. I'll keep you updated if I mutate any more  and remember... The truth is out there. 




Wonderful! Can't wait to see what other cool features she develops

Master of Muffin

That head's coming off to wander around, isn't it?