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The beautiful futanari felt a kind of slight itch on her neck, but the worst thing was that she had the feeling that her head (and not her mind) was numb.

The following days were very strange. Following the fact that her head began to make involuntary spontaneous expressions more and more frequently, Helena noticed how the functions of her head began to migrate to other parts of her body. She smelled through her navel and her eyesight was up to her breasts and worked like a powerful radar. But the strangest thing was when her voice started coming out of her vagina. It didn't take long to find out that her vagina was also her new digestive tract.

After this, Helena quickly contacted specialist doctors, who performed various medical tests on her. Her surprise was great when the scan result revealed that her head was hollow.

"'B-but Doctor? - Said the troubled voice coming from her crotch - How is it possible that I don't have a brain? How am I alive?"

The doctor showed her other x-rays and tests that showed something surprising. Her ovaries had grown and taken over brain function.

When all the functions of her head had been taken over by other parts of her body, her head finally fell.

Today, Helena is still a beautiful and determined headless futanari. Despite not needing it, she continues to take care of her head, bathing it and brushing her teeth. It is the favorite decoration of her room, placed on a pedestal, asleep most of the time, although she wakes up from time to time to make funny faces.

But also, thanks to the fact that this hollow inside, her head has become her favorite toy for sex. A perfect onahole that has given a new life to your most important ex-body part.

