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The usual quietness of the mutation specialist's medical office waiting room is broken by angry voices.

On one side you can see the receptionist trying to calm two pairs of parents who between anger and tears demand an appointment with the specialist.

 At the other end of the room, you can see a beautiful young mutant sitting with tears in her eyes. She has three breasts and six fingers on each hand. From her discordant hair and skin tone you can deduce that she is a compound shape.

You can listen to those who assume they are the parents of the two young women who merged. Talk about how their daughters were best friends and how their mutation was activated by merging their bodies. They demand to see the doctor and pray for a cure

You have seen this before and also the expression of the new girl. You can see in her eyes that what afflicts her is not the desperation to return to being the two individual girls from before; her watery eyes reflect the anguish of not knowing how to tell her four parents that her daughters no longer exist.




That's a very interesting take on the subject and deals with identity death. Heavy stuff, and I like it. Good in small doses

J. Jenny Jameson

Woah, that got kinda heavy. Interesting though.


(Insertar meme) Te gusta poner sad a la gente?


Jajajaja, no, sólo que a veces me surgen ciertas dudas sobre algunos tópicos de las transformaciones. Obviamente le vemos el lado sexy y que nos encanta, pero trato de explorar las implicaciones que vendrían en la vida real cuando una chica muta.


Jaja, lo sé. Siempre quise discutir esta clase de cosas pero se que le terminaré matando el gusto a alguien. Esto de las mutaciones implican muchos problemas de identidad.