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Annie was resting in her bedroom while petting Brownie, her pet. She knew that the next day she would have to say goodbye to her dear friend, since she had to travel to another state to start her university life.

As she looked out the window melancholy, a shooting star furrow the darkness of the night sky. Annie fervently asked to find a way to be with Brownie forever.

No one knows if it was Annie's "magic" wish or one was a rare undetected assimilation mutation, but the fact is that the beautiful young girl and the male papillon cube merged into a new being, a cute human hermaphrodite puppy. The new AnnieBrownie was slightly shorter than Annie, along with animal features and Brownie's playful personality.

AnnieBrownie currently lives on a farm with other animal girls, where she learns to balance her new being.




She's a sexy little thing


I think the sheer negligee thing is cute!