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My dear friends, I regret not having been very productive this week. I'm in charge of assembling a sales booth at a convention of books, so I have not had time for anything. But I will be back soon with more drawings (this weekend).




Again, if I may repeat what another patron already said (I don't remember the name, sorry), it would be way better if you give us notice of your absence beforehand and not after it happened. That way, nobody is expecting any work coming from you and isn't disappointed. But if we don't know and are waiting for content from you which we pay you for and nothing is coming, it leaves a bad impression.

Oni Destiny

I agree with you. Nobody, or at least less People will complain, if you tell them what is going on.


I kinda feel that yeah when you don't do anything for let's say one week, it's when you lose Patrons sadly. Indeed you should inform us that you will be absent for some days before it happens. It's normal to have stuff going on IRL, I just find sad that you lose some people because of this. Also, that girl is very cute, and she's even more lovely when fucking herself.^^