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 We all know that the fetishes we share are not exactly "conventional." That is why most of us keep it secret, for fear of being misunderstood.

Still, there are several people to whom I have shared my hobbies. Among them my girlfriend, some close friends and some colleagues cartoonists.

And you, is there anyone who knows about their fetishes? 




Girlfriend, and she shares the same fetish. Best friend, a few other friends and a few cousins as well.


I share my fetishes online with communities such as this one, but I am not involved in any offline conversations where such things are talked about.


Well I share it online in places like here, DA and Discord but I never talked about it to anyone IRL. Guess my family and friends would find to very weird for me to like these kind of things. It's really cute to know that your girlfriend knows it access, how does she reacts to it? Does she love it as well?

Ian MacLaren

When I do share my fetish, I usually let them think it's simply an artistic interest rather than a fetish unless I know the other person will understand.


Girlfriend and she shares the fetish, basically all my friends, family that I am still on good terms with. The trick is not to be ashamed of it. Everyone has kinks fetishes and interests. If you don't act ashamed other people won't shame ya haha.


I have one close friend that I’ve openly shared it with; she is wonderful and doesn’t judge me for it <3 I’ve revealed it to some friends here and there but all they do is tease me about it constantly no matter how passionate I am about it... I have no plans to show my family, I just don’t think they would understand, except maybe my sister, she knows I like monster girls a little bit but she doesn’t know the whole story.


My two internet friends for about 7 years, my sister, and my sister's friend knows about my fetishes to varying depths. I tend to cover it up through more public interests, though if I'm passively mentioning stuff like that, I'm probably comfortable to reveal it if they ask nicely.


Didn't tell my ex-gf, and that was a mistake.

Tom Kauffman

One close friend and both sisters know about my deep interest in armless or ambulatory multi-amp females. I haven't let them know about the more "interesting" interests.

Valhalla's crazy destroyer captain section

Funnily enough, the only person I've told about my multi-limb fetish is my mother, and she understands it just a bit too well. As in... she's about as interested in multi-limbed people as I am.


Only people I know online, including my girlfriend. The closest thing to someone not in the fetish circles knowing about my love of NBM, multi, and all things weird with anatomy is my tabletop group, and that's mostly because they're roommates of someone into this kind of stuff.


She is an artist, she is younger than me, so she is open-minded. He tolerates it, finds it interesting and even gives me ideas. She knew it when we were just friends and she was not shocked, not at all.


I have friends that know I main Alisa in Tekken and Ms. Fortune in Skull Girls, but beyond that, no one knows about my NBM fetish IRL.


Other than with my past girlfriends, I'm not comfortable talking about sexual preferences openly. I'm comfortable with my fetishes, but I like having them as my own special thing. I don't like the idea of them randomly coming up in conversation.


Haha, my circles are pretty queer and kinky, so the problem is less being afraid to tell anyone and more struggling to explain what the fetish even is ^_^ it is a little easier to explain to furries. I am close with one girl who is very into giantesses and I think she maybe kind of gets it… a little…


I've been into multi and TF for as long as I can remember, but amps more recently than that. But I was deeply ashamed of it and it really hampered my ability to be close to anyone I was dating. While I was in the initial stages of getting to know someone I was dating, my mind would always go to: "Is this someone I can explain my fetishes to?" And I'd overanalyze everything until I either sabotaged the relationship or appear too distant. That said, I didn't even engage the others in the community until about 2014 or so on extramorphs (RIP) and eventually started writing the next year. Immediately there was this outpouring of support and encouragement on the site and on the chatroom (also RIP). I felt way better about myself, but still couldn't bring myself to exlain it to someone IRL. My girlfriend knows now however. I explained my fetishes and showed her some art (including yours, Access :) ) and she was actually quite open minded about it. We don't share the fetish, but she understands why I find it interesting. That being said, she doesn't know that I've written anything. Ididn't tell her at the time because I already felt like I was oversharing, and since I hardly write anymore, I figured it was past me.