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 I sent an email asking to stop the leak, to which he replied that followed the passage complaint.

Regrettably Maximum_Joe is a completely unethical guy, so I made the denouncement of that gallery. I'm going to make a report for each leak, and I hope that I hope some result.

I ask you to be attentive in discord and reddit to detect leaks. I constantly check the internet, but I can not cover everything.

It discourages me a bit that so much information is leaking. I can skip one or two drawings, but this massive filtering of sequences really bothers me.

Unfortunately one of my patreons is not my fan, he is only here to filter my art. 



I think you will see a result. E-Hentai has worked with other artists to help with this. Actually another artist friend of mine, Jitensha, has gone through this exact thing before and is gonna try and help out. I just want to say, hang in there. Don't give up. I know this is discouraging, but a lot of your patrons aren't stealing your work and even more are actively trying to protect you. Me, Andreas, John Gonzales, and all the other people who have been vigilantly reporting your leaks and getting them taken down wherever we find them. Just think of us as the many heads of your guardian Cereberus or Hydra girl ^_^ As far as I've seen I've managed to get them all taken down from all the Discords and Reddits I'm on. E-Hentai is all that's left.

Unusual Unity

Sadly, this is human nature in action. There are some people that simply do NOT care that they are hurting others just to do what they want. This may be a small comfort, but try to remember that the vast majority of Patrons do not do this, and truly want to support creators


Yep, and I am tremendously grateful for all the support you have given me in these two years of my patreon.


..."to which he replied that followed the passage complaint"?


Excuse my English. He answered that he follow the regular conduit. The truth is that he ignored me.


I've been scouring through 4chan/Yuki.la, but I'll keep on searching


If he's a Patreon, presumably you can ban him from seeing your future works if you haven't already? <a href="https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/207982093-How-do-I-block-a-patron-" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/207982093-How-do-I-block-a-patron-</a>


Just want to say that I'm a patreon because I want to support a great artist. Even if all your works were available for free I'd still support you.


Don't give up, I like your work so much and that's why I support you. Your drawings make me dream every day, like if those girls were real it would be a wonderful world. I'll still scout for everything that looks suspicious on every mebsite to make sure that those leaks stop.


I will just point toward yiff.party website. That's not the fight that can be won today, though, but at least you can keep your files off the exhentai. Anyway, this situation is regrettable. I'll raise my pledge later – I support not the old art, but the future one.


To understand about what I'm talking... – <a href="https://www.kotaku.com.au/2018/01/theres-a-website-dedicated-to-stealing-furry-porn-from-patreon-artists/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.kotaku.com.au/2018/01/theres-a-website-dedicated-to-stealing-furry-porn-from-patreon-artists/</a>


I just entered the YIFF page and saw that the filtering is from almost my entire site. And on top of that they have the nerve to ask that my patreon get more money to filter what is missing. The Yiff 's creator is really a tremendous idiot without ethics. And what bothers me is that an unethical idiot is among my patreon filtering everything I go up.


This may be an unpopular opinion, but I myself only even joined your Patreon initially because of people swiping stuff and uploading it. The vast majority of people looking at your stuff on these sites were never going to fork up anyway. These are not lost sales; these were never sales to begin with. If anything, it is free advertising to a market who may not have even heard of you before.


Dear friends, here is not about stopping or not stopping piracy, because that debate is futile. The issue is that it greatly discourages the arguments and justifications of Yiff users. They accuse artists of being greedy and that they should do everything for free. People who think like this usually are people who do not do art. I would not bother much if a couple of leaks. They have happened before. But the intention to filter the entire site and, as I read on your board, to try to filter even the mail and private messages, for me it does not mean getting a free sample, it's just not paying or recognizing the value of what my time and effort mean. I will continue working for all patreons who support me, trying to remain one of the creators with more activity in our environment. Maybe I have to change certain things, but I will always try to make my Patreon page attractive to you.


The Request to filter my Patreon occurred on June 28. So you should suspect the patreons who joined after that date. It also coincides with the date when I began to filter my things in e-hentai.