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 This month has been very bad in my patron. For various reasons I lost around 160 dollars in pledges. I  will continue to work on my patreon anyway, although possibly following  this downward trend will have to think about taking some part time  work.

I have plans to move with my girlfriend and I really need the money, although as I said I will not abandon my patreon ;-) 




I'm sorry to hear it. If you need extra cash I'm always willing to commission more stuff haha. Just don't wanna overwhelm you


It's sad that you lost patrons, I wonder why since I find your work really good, and I really love every single reward you did for me. I'm also here to commission you if needed.^^


I imagine that I'm a bit different than most patrons of this site. I'm really not into the NSFW stuff, though I do appreciate the skill and creativity of the drawings. What I enjoy are the comics - How people with different mutations or differences adjust and live in a world that is not made for them, and in some cases, not accepting of them. I especially enjoy the access high-school comics because a lot of those issues come to the fore-front. Given that the focus is on the imagery and not the narration I'm also unemployed, so I a not always able to contribute on an every-month basis (only when I'm able to scrounge up enough work to contribute to stuff other than food/rent) which is why I have been joining and quitting.only about every-other month. I wish you the best of luck and I will continue to contribute when I can!