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Story by Sophiie93

“Are you sure you're comfortable like this?” Edward asked his old friend Freya as she settled between his legs, laying back on Edward's chest.

“I'm comfy, you?” Freya said, looking up to Edward’s eyes. “Am I too heavy?” After a few seconds of silence, Freya smiled and looked at the TV. “Surely now you’re thinking anything you say will be wrong. The Edward I knew wouldn’t hesitate to say yes."

Edward couldn't help but laugh. "You're quite heavy, yes..."

“I know,” said Freya, raising her upper rear arms to wrap around Edward’s neck. “What did you expect, I have eight arms, that much bone and muscle adds up.”


Edward grinned and looked down at Freya’s four breasts, “Yes, I imagine it really does add up.”


“I know that tone Ed,” Freya said laughing, knowing what dirty thoughts were running through Edward’s mind. “Now be quiet and let me watch the movie, ok?”


Edward was already incredibly hard and Freya’s soft touches were not helping. He shifted trying to get comfortable. “Freya, are you gonna hug my neck like that for the entire movie?”


“Do you know how impossible it is to find a comfortable position when you have eight arms?” She gestured with her lower hands and brought several more up to caress Edward’s cheek and wrap around his neck. “Or would you rather I have less? Are you reminiscing about the old me?”


“No, are you crazy?” Edward said, remembering when Freya had only four arms.


“Good, because having eight arms is great for many things… except finding a comfortable movie watching position. I’m more effective at housework, crafts, multitasking, and I’m very, verrrrry good at massages.”


Edward blushed. “And do you have any good stories about… massages?” he replied nervously.


“Am I sensing some jealousy?” Freya giggled as she poked Edward’s cheek with a finger. Edward pushed it away only to have another take its place. “Sad you don’t have Freya all to yourself, to put all her hands around you and caress you and…” Freya stopped herself when she realized how awkward Edward had gotten. “Oh… wait… really?”


“No, I mean…” Edward stumbled over himself. “I mean, it’d be nice but I don’t have the experience.”


“What do you mean by experience?” Freya asked.


“I mean, come on, Look at you. A sexy mutant girl with all those arms. They make websites just to show people like you off you know? Men must be throwing themselves at you.”

“Uh… heh… not… not really,” she said looking away. “The truth is I never really-”


The front door slammed, startling both of them. Freya sat up straight, turning away from Edward, hugging her legs against her chest. It was Tiana and Eve, coming home from a wild night out. They were clearly drunk, and they laughed, and stumbled, until they found themselves in Tiana’s room. When the door closed, Edward and Freya were relieved to have the space to themselves again.


“Uh… you were saying,” Edward asked.


Freya sighed heavily. “I’ve never really done it with anyone Ed.”


“Get out of here,” Ed remarked skeptically.


“No really! I mean as mutants go I’d be considered more on the extreme end. People either see me as a sexual object or an abomination. And I’m not really into casual flings. I really want to make a connection with someone. And I just haven’t found a guy I have a connection with.”


“Oh? Are you into guys at all? I heard that a lot of mutants are queer and-”


Ed’s sentence was cut off by Freya throwing a pillow at his face. “I’m into guys stupid! It’s just that the guy I’m into is really slow to catch on, you know.”


“Slow?” said Ed.


Freya rolled her eyes. “You are IMPOSSIBLE you know that? Now it’s your turn, answer me this. Have you ever fantasized about us having sex?”


“W-what! No I…”


“Answer truthfully!” Freya interrupted.


Edward gulped and slowly nodded his head.


“And,” Freya said, crawling toward Edward. “What did you imagine?” she asked gently, putting all eight of her hands on him.


“It… it was a lot like this,” he said, caressing one of Freya’s hands. She smiled and moved closer, spreading her legs to reveal her panties as she climbed on top of Edward’s lap.


“Oh yeah?” Freya said, tucking her hair behind an ear while the rest of her hands roamed around Edward's chest.


“Y-yes… wow…” Edward said nervously looking down over Freya’s incredibly sexy body.


“My eyes are up here Ed. Don’t get distracted by my arms. Just enjoy the feel of them.”

Edward relaxed on the couch, holding Freya's thighs in his hands and looking straight into her eyes. She slowly began to gyrate on top of him while her eight hands caressed his arms, shoulders, chest, and sides, moving around underneath his clothes.


“Your hands feel great, Freya,” Edward said with shallow breaths. “This is incredible.” He slowly brought his hands up to tug at Freya’s dress, attempting to lift it off.


Freya squirmed as he did, like she was trying to prevent him from removing it. Missing her subtle signals, he continued to feel up her sides. Her dress slid up over her lower set of breasts and she opened her mouth to speak, but abruptly jerked away as Edward’s hands rubbed higher instead. Edward himself recoiled suddenly, confused by what he just felt beneath her dress.


“What the? What’s going on? I thought you were into this. And what did I…” his words slowed down as he saw what was the problem. There was another pair of shoulders bulging out underneath her lowest pair of arms. She must still be mutating.


“It’s disgusting isn’t it?” she said, ashamed.


“Disgusting? What? No? Freya come on!” Edward protested.


Freya quickly got off his lap and covered herself. “I just keep growing more and more arms. I’m gross, a spider girl, a freak. I’ve heard it so many times.”


“Freya, just listen to me!” Edward said, trying to grab one of her hands. She yanked them away immediately.


“I saw how you looked at me. It’s all the same. Everyone reacts the same,” she said, covering her face. “I-I have to go to the bathroom,” she said as she ran away, locking herself inside.


Edward sank back onto the couch alone holding his head in his hands, only now hearing the moans of Tiana and Eve from the other room.

“Damn, what the heck just happened?”



Wynne Rogers

I bet she is the one that can use the massage. Not only all her muscles and bone to have all those arms, but the emotional stress she is under from her self awareness. Sounds like she could use a strong man's hands to work into those back muscle clusters and turn her from a stiff spider to a limp squid, getting all the stress kinks out.

Juniper Skunktaur

Oh boy, this is gonna be tender and wholesome af ;u;