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Story by Sophiie93

“Are you really staring at pictures of her again?” Tiana asked as she noticed her roommate staring at his phone once more. It wasn’t the first time she’d caught him like that, but it’d been happening more frequently lately. “You know she’s moving here soon so you can see her all you want!”

Edward blushed and quickly locked his phone. He hadn’t seen Freya in years. They’d been nearly inseparable childhood friends until she had to move away. When he found out she was moving back he looked up a few old photos of them together, reminiscing on the fun times they’d had. His favorite was one of the two of them playing together in the park and Freya had her four arms spread wide in a silly pose. “It’s just it’s been so long and I’m really excited to see her again.”

“You told me she’s a mutant, right? What’s her mutation?” Tiana poured herself a glass of juice and gulped it down in one swallow.

“Wait, are you into mutants? You told me you’re a lesbian, but you never mentioned anything about liking mutants.”

“Maaaaaaybe,” Tiana said in a teasing tone. “But don’t worry. I’m not gonna hit on her. Besides, I have a date with Eve tonight. I’m not going to have much time to think about….what was her name again?”

“Freya,” Ed answered before he registered the rest of what Tiana had said. “Wait did you say Eve? As in the woman that works on the floor above you? You know your boss is going to go postal if he finds out, right?”

“Good thing he won’t find out then, huh? The only person who’s going to know is you, and then it’s only because you’re my roommate and I’ll probably end up bringing her back here. Maybe you’ll even be able to hear her when I make her moan.” There was a mischievous smile on Tiana’s face as she leaned on the counter.

Edward blushed. “Let’s not forget that you’re the kinkier one of the two of us. You might enjoy hearing her moan, but I’m not into that.” Truth is he kind of was, but he wasn’t about to admit that to Tiana. She might have seen a softer side of him than most people did, but they didn’t have that kind of relationship.

“I bet you’d be singing a different tune if it was Freya moaning.”

Their playful banter was cut short by the chime of the doorbell. Tiana made no movement to answer it, so Edward got up from the couch to greet their guest. When he opened the door Freya stood on the other side clutching a rather large suitcase. Immediately a rush of memories flooded Edward’s brain, reminding him of a young mutant girl with long wavy hair and giggles that sounded like music to his ears.

“Hi there,” he managed to squeak out. He knew this was Freya standing before him, but she looked so different. Instead of two breasts she now had four, and her four arms had doubled in number as well. She’d straightened her hair and added a couple blue streaks to it. There was even a different air about her, a more mature or serious one.

“Edward is that you? You look so different!” Freya said, eyes wide. Her voice was as cheery and friendly as ever though.

Ed blinked several times. He found it hard to tear his eyes away from Freya’s multiple arms. “Me? What about you?!” Behind him Tiana smiled a knowing smile recognizing the note in his voice Edward always got when he liked a girl.

Freya stepped back and struck a small pose. “Well, it has been 15 years after all. Time will do that to a person,” she giggled. Her laugh was the same one Ed remembered from their childhood days and it brought a wider smile to his lips.

“Oh, I can certainly see that!” He said as he looked her up and down appreciatively. “Why don’t you come in?”

No further prompting was needed. Freya grabbed her suitcase and walked in, dropping the heavy luggage by the chair Tiana had plopped in.

When she walked past Edward the smell of her perfect scent took him right back to childhood. She was wearing some new scent, but there was still a note that was unmistakably Freya, and it was as nostalgic as Saturday morning cartoons.

“Hey there, I’m Tiana,” Tiana stood to greet their new roommate. “Your room is the first door on the right.”

“Nice to meet you,” Freya shook Tiana’s hand then used all eight of her hands to once again lift the heavy suitcase to carry it to her new room.

Edward scratched the back of his head. “Uh Freya. Um adulthood doesn’t usually make the number of arms a person has double.” He couldn’t meet her eyes. He felt a little sheepish mentioning it, but he was mesmerized by them since he opened the door.

“Of course not, silly. Don’t you remember when we were kids and I told you I was growing a third pair of arms, but you didn’t believe me? Turns out it was actually two more pairs I was growing! My mutation was still underway when I moved away.”

Edward nodded and followed her down the hall to her new room. She swung the suitcase up on the bed in the center of it. “And are you growing anymore?” he asked.

Click, click. Freya unlocked her suitcase and began pulling things out to put them away. Thankfully, Tiana and Edward had a fully furnished guest room, so she didn’t have to worry about acquiring new furniture right away. She shrugged as she tucked a few shirts into one of the dresser drawers. “I don’t know…”

Tiana brought in some spare hangers from her room and started hanging up a few of Freya’s things while she filled the drawers. They made quick work of getting her unpacked and tucking her empty suitcase beneath the bed.

There was something different about Freya, Ed noted. When they were kids, she was proud of her mutation and had no problem showing it off. She’d been happy-go-lucky and always had a smile for everyone. This was still Freya, but that spark had been dimmed. Her smile no longer reached her eyes and she seemed almost bashful at any mention of her mutation.

“Oh man I gotta get going. I’m gonna be late if I don’t. Catch you later!” Tiana said as she grabbed her bag and darted out the door leaving Freya and Edward alone.

“Hey, why don’t we watch a movie? I’ll make us some snacks and you find something that looks enticing.”

Freya rubbed one of her many arms. “Yeah, okay,” she said in a distant tone and followed him into the common area. She watched him head into the kitchen and rummage in the fridge and cabinets. It was nice to be back around her childhood friend. She made herself comfortable on the couch while she waited for him to join her, stringing a nearby blanket across her legs for extra comfort.

A few moments later Edward appeared carrying some soda and a tray of chips, dip, and assorted veggies. The second he set the snacks on the coffee table Freya threw all eight of her arms around him and began tickling him. Ed’s laughter was uncontrollable. Of course, she’d remember how ticklish he was. “I missed doing that,” Freya said as her hands slowed and instead just embraced him.

He’d been laughing so hard a tear leaked out of his eye. He wiped it away and turned to look at her. “You scared me ya know. I thought you’d become some boring, unfun adult.”

Freya nodded, her smile wavering a little. “I did…a little. Life isn’t always easy. But with you I feel like I can just relax and be myself. It’s nice.”

Edward smiled at that. “You’re still proud of your mutation, right?” One of his hands slipped into hers.

“Why do you ask?” Her remaining hands slid up his arms, feeling over his muscles.

“It’s just something I always liked about you. And now you’ve mutated even more and look even better!”

Freya giggled as one of her hands pointed to the rather prominent tent in his pants. “Yeah, I can see that.”

Ed was as red as one of the cherry tomatoes on the snack tray. “Oh, uh I’m sorry,” he said and averted his gaze.

Freya responded by scooting into his lap, wedging herself between his legs to lean back against him. “It’s alright. But for now, let’s just watch the movie.”

Edward wasn’t sure how he was going to manage to keep his mind on a movie when she was sitting like this, her butt rubbing against his dick anytime she made the smallest movement, but he was going to try his hardest. “Hopefully Tiana stays gone a good long while,” he said as he hit play.





Forgot which character was which right at the end there.

Juniper Skunktaur

I think the last few paragraphs (-2, -4) use the wrong name…?


Yes, there was an error. Freya is the girl with eight arms. Tiana is Edward's friend and roommate. There I corrected the mistakes.