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Kaia adjusted her posture, sitting as best she could on a long stool that just barely fit her humantaur body. There was a stack of intake forms to fill out in front of her, and the smell of freshly baked waffles and maple syrup wafted through the air.


It was a lot of paperwork for a position at Waffle House. She wondered why they needed so much information if all she was going to be doing was waiting tables, and some of the questions were just weird.


“What do you like the most?” she asked the manager. “What does this mean? Isn’t that, like, personal?”


The manager, a middle-aged woman with a warm smile waved her hand dismissively. “Oh that? That’s just for reference. You know, birthday celebrations, group activities, small surprises. You know team building stuff.”


Kaia nodded, still mulling over the question. ‘What do you like the most?’ she thought to herself, trying to organize her thoughts.


Well, when I return home I have a routine I love. I undress from the waist down and wash my four feet well with oils and creams. I’m very proud of my legs and feet. I love looking at them.

Kaia adjusted herself on the stool as she felt the penis between her hind legs starting to get erect.


Then I lie on my bed. My body is so long that my rear legs hang off the edge. I’m usually so hard at this point. I stretch my front legs down and start massaging my dick. God it feels good. I just keep stroking faster and faster. God, I love it when precum starts to dribble on my feet. Sometimes I’ll even rub my breasts or finger myself just to heighten the mood.


Kaia’s face was beet red at this point as she fought the urge to move her back legs and rub her penis against the stool’s surface.


I can wrap my whole foot around my penis and stroke it so hard. I moan and scream and it doesn’t take long until I cum. God my feet get just COVERED in cum. And few people know but I’m elastic, so I take my feet and stretch them up to my mouth and clean them with my tongue. Oooooooh God. Then I go to the bathroom and clean and pamper my feet. I rub them over-


“Everything okay, hon?” the manager said. “You’re blushing a little there. Feeling OK?”


“Oh, I, uh, yes! It’s nothing just… a little hot in here!”


Kaia grabbed the pencil shakily and quickly scribbled down “outdoor walks” in the empty box.


“Outdoor walks” the manager quipped. “Must be easy for someone with four legs.


“Uh, yeah, exactly!” Kaia said, laughing nervously.


“Well, everything is in order. I’ll wait for you tomorrow at ten,” the manager said, shaking Kaia’s hand.


Kaia fixed her skirt and quickly left the Waffle House. She was grateful that no one seemed to notice her erection.


“I’ve gotta stop letting my mind wander like that,” she said to herself. “Time to go home and… relax.”




My only complaint is that you used waffle house in the story, where I'm pretty sure their only requirement to being hired is able to come to work at least half the time.