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All questions for Ask Ms. Jessica are asked by real fans and patrons. If you have a question for Ms. Jessica, please send it to AskMsJessica@gmail.com

Dear Ms. Jessica,

Since mutagen causes unnatural mutations by vectors other than the mutant gene, can males be affected as much as females?

There are lots of questions about mutagen lately. I hope you aren’t getting any bad ideas.

Anyway, in short yes. Mutagen affects the body in various ways, but all these ways are completely separate from the standard mutant gene, which seems to be activated by female presenting hormones and chemical patterns. This is also why they are dangerous.

Natural mutations do not recombine your genetics in any way. They simply express parts of your genetics that are not often expressed. Meanwhile, mutagens will many times forcefully change your genetics with untested, unapproved, dangerous genetic technology. It’s like taking a jackhammer to your genome, and it is not recommended.

But, of course, this does mean that mutagenic mutations are not limited by the same limitations as natural mutations. So, yes, mutagen can affect males just as much as it affects females.

Strangely however, results of mutation almost always appear outwardly female. Again, this is likely because some vector for mutation is present in female brain, hormone, and body chemistry. This is not always the case. As you have seen before, there are male mutants. But mutations, even forced ones, tend to take on a female presenting form. And post mutation, even subjects that were previously male show high levels of female body chemistry, such as vastly increased levels of estrogen.

Why is this the case? Again, it’s very possible that female body chemistry is needed for more extreme mutations to stabilize. However, this is still a hypothesis and more research needs to be done.




What is sensored?


I had made a mistake and had uploaded the Fanbox version, where I must censor genitals.