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Stu and Rob sat at the dining room table with textbooks scattered around them. They delved into the intricacies of their upcoming college exam. The atmosphere was quiet as they both were concentrated.

“Oh man, this is hard…” Stu said, “but I think I'm getting it.”

“That would be a miracle,” Rob said wryly.

At that moment, Rob's beautiful younger sister, Mabel entered the room with a tray loaded with cold juices and freshly made sandwiches. Her presence was a welcome distraction from the mess of academic material surrounding them.

"Hey guys, I made you some snacks! I thought you might need some fuel for your brains during all that studying," Mabel said with a warm smile, setting the tray down on the table.

"Thank you, Mabel. You're a lifesaver," Rob responded, flashing her a grateful smile.

“Nice! I was dying of hunger, thank yo-” Stu fell silent when he saw Mabel. Even though he already knew her, it had been a month since he had last seen her and she had changed. She had always been attractive but now she was not only taller and curvier with her dyed red hair tied in a long ponytail. She had four breasts! Four perfect, round breasts, barely contained by a shirt that revealed a generous double cleavage thanks to a double knot.

“Okay guys… I'll let you study. Cheer up!” she said and left the room shaking her hips.

Stu blinked, his mind struggling to process what he had just seen. He looked at Rob but his friend seemed oblivious, engrossed in his textbook.

"Hey, Rob, did you notice anything... unusual about Mabel just now?"

“Unusual like what?” Rob asked without taking his eyes off his book.

“Well, she looks… different,” Stu said, not knowing how to directly address the conversation.

Rob looked up from his book, a knowing smile on his lips "Oh, you mean she's a redhead? Yeah, she decided to dye her hair a few days ago"

Stu frowned, sensing Rob's reluctance to address the topic directly "Yeah! Of course, she is... redheaded. Very redheaded. And she looks very good"

“I wish we didn't talk about how red-haired my sister is… you know?” Rob said, re-reading her text.

“The thing is… she looks great in red”

“You're talking like you've never seen a 'redhead' in your life,” Rob said.

“I have seen a few ‘redheads’, although never this close and they were redheads with… stranger hairstyles. Your sister’s hairstyle is simpler, and very pretty”

“So… you like my sister's hair because it's simple?”

“I think it suits her very well”

“I don’t think we should talk this much about my sister's 'red hair'”

“Honestly, your sister’s ‘red hair’ was right in front of me… all four of them,” Stu said, unable to give any further detours to the discussion.

Rob put his book aside “Look, she turned redhead a couple of days ago. That also affected her physique a little, in a good way... and made her a little more, you know… flirtatious”

“Well, you know… they say red gives courage,” Stu said sarcastically.

“I didn't know you liked redheads this much” Rob said as he gave him a cold look.

“Me neither until 10 minutes ago.”

“It's my redhead sister… Stu,” Rob said, “It's hard enough dealing with all the fans after her… her new hairstyle”

“Fine Rob, I don't want to be an idiot. Your friendship is important,” said Stu.

"Thank you! I appreciate that,” Rob said with a long sigh, “How about we take a break and go have a beer. If you are going to continue talking about my sister's… hair, I prefer to be outside”

Stu smiled at the thought "Yeah, I think it's a good idea"

Just as they were about to leave, Mabel appeared in the doorway with a playful smile on her lips "Hey, where do you think you're going?"

"We were just about to go out for a few beers. Would you like to join us?" Stu blurted out, a little too enthusiastically.

Rob gave him a warning look but it was too late. Mabel's eyes lit up with excitement "I'd love to! Let me grab my jacket"

As she disappeared to go get her things, Rob turned to Stu with irritation evident in his voice. "Thanks Stu, just what we needed right now"

Stu shrugged, unrepentant. "What can I say? I have a strong weakness for… redheads, you know"

“…I really don’t want to keep talking about my sister’s tits,” Rob said.

“Guys, I'm ready!” Mabel said as she approached the two of them and took their arms. "Let's have fun!"

While Rob gave a sigh of resignation, Stu could barely contain her happy smile. That afternoon of study had a very happy ending for one of them.



Juniper Skunktaur

You had me at 'redhead.' Or was that at redhead?


Pretty! Gotta love a simple multiboob