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By Leena (with major assistance by Seasalt Alchemist)


Ali stepped into the shower, the steaming water feeling amazing after a long day at work. Their girlfriend was coming over after work, and they wanted to shower before she arrived. Their schedules had kept them both pretty busy lately and they kept missing each other, and Ali wanted to be looking and smelling their best tonight.


For the past few days, they’d been feeling off though. Headaches, backaches, it’s like their own body was trying to rebel against them. Didn’t it know they were extra busy this week? Ali hoped a good shower would help wash away some of the random aches and clear their head so that they could focus and feel well enough to do everything they needed to.


The steamy water poured over their skin, making it turn a bit pink. The steam felt good but the ache in Ali’s body just intensified. When they reached up to run their fingers through their hair, they swore they felt something move beneath their arms. There was a loud crack, and a shot of sharp pain, and that was all the warning they had before their skin was stretching and slurping as two new arms suddenly and quickly erupted out of them just below their original pair.


Ali shrieked, thankful to be home alone. They’d heard of mutants but had never been tested for the mutant gene and certainly never thought that they would be one. And why wasn’t this horrible ache going away yet? It migrated down her body, moving from her torso to down in her groin. “Gods please nothing more!” they said aloud. But it didn’t stop. Their hips cracked and spread apart more, a strange pressure growing inside their groin, feeling like it was pushing down as if trying to emerge from her pussy. And then it was. Ali screamed as their pussy was stretched impossibly wide, a new third leg pushing its way out. It grew to the length of their other legs, touching down on the floor of the tub with gentleness.


It took a while before they had full sensation in their new leg. For a bit it just tingled. Ali tried to rush through their shower, making sure everything was clean. Showers were normally relaxing to them, and a bit of a safe place, but this shower turned out to be life changing. While washing their legs and crotches they noticed they had a pussy on one side and a cock and balls on the other. “Ok well I guess at least my lower half finally reflects that I’m nonbinary.”


Ali’s four hands shook as they shut off the water and grabbed a towel. Stepping out of the shower was harder than it looked as they weren’t quite sure how to walk on three legs. They determined that for now simply holding onto the nearby sink and stepping out one leg at a time was the way to go about it. Once they made it out of the shower safely, Ali decided that they just wanted to be in the safety of their room. Towel wrapped around them as best as they could, they held onto the wall and tried to walk one foot at a time down the hall. They almost fell a few times and did let themself fall onto the bed when they made it there. How were they even going to handle any of this?


“Hi honey, I’m home!” Mandy said as she unlocked the door and closed it behind her. She set the few bags of groceries she had down on the counter.


Ali’s heart raced. Fuck. They’d forgotten they’d given Mandy a key not long ago. Of course, she wouldn’t have to knock. How were they going to tell Mandy about her mutation? No, they couldn’t. At least not yet. Not until she had things figured out. “I-I’ll be right there!” she called back, hoping their girlfriend couldn’t hear the nervousness in her voice. They sat on the edge of their bed trying to calm their breathing and their wildly beating heart. It took all of their strength to get up and walk over to the closet to find something to wear.


Mandy had said that Ali could borrow her clothes at any time, so they selected a floor length, flowy, black skirt and their own favorite oversized hoodie. This outfit didn’t match at all, but maybe Mandy would be too tired to think much about it. At least that’s what Ali hoped.


They hobbled back over to the bed and sat down to pull the skirt up over their three legs. Hiding their mutations seemed to be not the hardest part. Instead, it seemed that walking was going to be the thing that let Mandy know that something was wrong. Maybe they could just pass it off as a twisted ankle or something.


They pulled the garments onto their body, hiding their second pair of arms beneath the fabric of the oversized hoodie. Standing in front of the full length mirror they decided that the outfit didn’t look too bad, and that their new arms were hidden well enough that no one would notice them. They might think they were a little bloated, but that was about it.


“Babe?” Mandy called down the hall again. “Everything ok?”


“Y-yeah! I just got out of the shower so I’m trying to get dressed and brush my hair,” Ali called back without thinking. Great now they had to quickly brush their hair before they could come out. They grabbed a brush, but the moment they tried to extend one of their original arms, the new arm on the same side tried to stretch out too as if it were trying to grab the thing as well. The hoodie kept it from reaching too far, but Mandy would definitely notice movement beneath it. Thai was going to be impossible to hide…


Not giving up yet, they grabbed the brush and sat back down on the bed. Ali closed their eyes and tried to concentrate on just moving one of their arms. It took some hard concentration, but they did it. They kept all three other arms still while the one raised up and ran the brush through their knotty hair. They did it again. And again. Until they had brushed out all of their hair. It took all of their concentration, and most of their energy, but they’d done it. Now if they could just get the hang of walking.


Finally, they felt ready enough to attempt to go out and greet Mandy. They stood up, still wobbly on three legs, and tried to move towards the door. Man, how did three legged mutants walk? It was so hard, and they kept tripping over their own feet. A memory of a grade school friend who had crutches randomly popped into their head. They had moved the crutches, then swung their good leg forward. Maybe if they tried something like that, they’d be able to walk easier.


Once again trying to pull on their concentration, they tried to do just that. They first moved their two outer legs, and though they were a bit wobbly they did it. Then they just had to swing the new leg forward, which they did! It was just one step, and they were already out of breath, but they did it. Now to just to repeat it a million more times for the rest of her life…


Ali rolled their eyes, took a deep breath, and opened the bedroom door.


“Finally, you come out of hiding,” Mandy called, a playful note in her voice. She was walking down the hallway already, nearly racing towards her partner for a hug. “I missed you today!” There was no stopping her as she wrapped her arms around Ali in a tight hug.


Ali felt their cheeks warm as their new arms were pressed against Mandy’s stomach right through the fabric of their shirts. They stayed that way for a second then pulled back in what they hoped wasn’t too much of a strange way. “I missed you too!”


“What do you have in that hoodie pocket?” Mandy laughed. “It felt like…I don’t know what it felt like, but it sure didn’t feel like your stomach.”


“Oh, uh…” Dammit, of course Mandy would notice. There was never any hiding anything from her. “N-nothing. I’m just…I’m not feeling that great. Been a little queasy today, and I think I might have twisted my ankle.”


Mandy looked at them suspiciously out of the corner of her eye. “You sure are acting strangely tonight. Is there something you need to tell me?”


Ali was sure Mandy could see how bright red their cheeks were turning, even in the dim light of the hall. “N-no,” they lied and immediately felt bad. Maybe they should just tell her. But how do you tell someone something like this? “I’ve just…had a weird day is all.” That at least was not a lie.


“Ok, I guess. But you’re worrying me,” Mandy said and slid her hand down Ali’s arm to take their hand in her own. She led them down the hall, Ali limping with every step as she tried to keep the rhythm of outer legs then new leg, outer legs then new leg. It was hard, especially when Mandy was right there, and all their thoughts were centered on how happy they were to see them again. “I stopped at the store and got some chicken breasts. I figured I could make us dinner tonight. It’s rare we get to eat together anymore.”


“That sounds great!” Ali smiled and let go of Mandy’s hand. There was a stool at the kitchen island that they tried to climb up on. It was a bit awkward maneuvering three legs around it, but not as awkward as trying to walk with it. “Let me know if you need any help,” they blurted out without even thinking.


Mandy had already busied herself getting ingredients out and lining them up on the island. “Do you think you could get me a bowl? I want to coat these in breadcrumbs.”


“S-sure,” Ali said and slid off the stool. They nearly fell to the ground stumbling over their own feet again but managed to catch themselves in time before Mandy noticed anything. The cabinet where they kept the plates wasn’t far away and Ali was able to hang onto the island to make it over there without any further incidents. They could feel their energy waning quickly though. They opened the cabinet easy enough, but when they reached up higher to get a plate down their second arm moved along with their first. Ali silently groaned knowing that even though it was trapped beneath the fabric there was no way Mandy missed that.


“Okay what was that??” Mandy said, her voice a bit startled and scared. “I saw something move beneath your shirt. You’re hiding something in there aren’t you?”


Ali pulled the plate down but was so nervous and distracted that a few others fell with it, crashing on the countertop and breaking. Their heart was racing, pounding in their chest much like it had earlier. “I…I’m sorry!”


Completely forgetting about dinner, Mandy raced over to Ali to help her clean up the broken plates. “It’s ok. Just tell me what’s going on,” she took the bowl from Ali’s hands and placed it gently on the island. “Come on. Into the living room, this can wait.” She wasn’t giving Ali a choice as she ushered them into the living room and onto the couch.


Ali sat beside their partner and blushed, not knowing even where to begin. “It’s just…I…”


“Hey. Whatever it is, it’s ok. Just start at the beginning. What happened?”


Ali blushed and averted her eyes. “W-well it started in the shower and then…” She wanted to get the words out. She tried to get the words out. But every time she opened her mouth to try to speak after that no sound emerged. So, they did the only thing they could do. They reached down, two hands moving instead of one, and pulled up the black skirt so that Mandy could clearly see all three legs and feet.

“OH!” Mandy’s eyes went wide. “You mutated!”


That’s when Ali raised her eyes to their girlfriend’s and their voice returned. “Yeah…I did. It was so scary and painful too! My body hurts all over and I don’t know what to do.” Now that they could talk about it and didn’t have to hide it everything just came pouring out. “What do you do when you mutate? Why did this even happen? What do I do now?”


“Hey, it’s going to be ok. Is this the only mutation you had? What’s under your shirt?”


“Oh, yeah, I…” Ali tried to pull the hoodie off, but all their energy was spent and it was hard to keep her second arms from moving along with her first.


“Here, let me help you,” Mandy said and reached over without hesitation. She carefully lifted the hoodie over Ali’s second arms and over her head.


Ali stretched out their new arms. It felt really good to not have to keep them wrapped around themself anymore. “This is it. The legs and the arms.”


Mandy smiled at her as she looked her partner up and down. “You’re even more beautiful.”


“W-what?” That was not the reaction Ali had expected at all. “Th-thank you,” she stammered and blushed.


“Okay, so first things first. We help you learn how to walk. Then tomorrow we call a doctor to have you checked out, make sure there were no internal mutations, and that the mutation is in fact finished. After that we get you some clothes that properly fit your new body. But tonight, we just have dinner and spend some time together. How does that sound?”


That sounded great but wait. “How are you so calm? And how do you know what to do anyway?” They were grateful for their girlfriend’s calmness, it was helping them remain calm too. But there was something off.


“I guess it’s my turn to fess up,” Mandy blushed. “You know how I’ve been hesitant to fool around? Well, there’s a reason for that.” She stood up and lifted her own flowy skirt, turning around so her backside was facing Ali. A thick scaly tail hung from her back. Ali’s mouth fell open. “I grew this right before we met. It’s relatively easy to hide, obviously, but the doctor did tell me there’s a possibility I’ll mutate further in the future.”


Ali shot up, though their legs were still very shaky. “OH! You’re a mutant, too?? That explains so much.”


It was Mandy’s turn to blush. “Yeah, I just…never knew how to tell you. Or anyone really. As you can see, I don’t really show it. I was going to tell you eventually and ask what you thought about maybe moving to Port Solei someday, but I guess that day turned out to be sooner than either of us expected.”


Ali took Mandy’s offered hands. “I’d happily move to Port Solei with you.”


They both smiled and sealed their decision with a kiss. That night there was no more waiting for or hiding for either of them.


