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Really fun to play with! But also hot damn- what a rabbit hole. I'm curious to know everyone's thoughts, both using the asset, and if they've tried other methods of getting a similar result (there are lots of ways to go about it).

A full breakdown on how to use the asset in the video- I highly recommend getting in there and experimenting with stuff!

Grass Asset

Oh also- it's included in the blend file, but here's the grass picture I've been throwing on the ground plane. 


(No title)





The result is absolutely amazing, and to be done with particles and force fields is even crazier! I've been trying to get here with geometry nodes for a while using some wide custom noise textures for the wind to apply (basically the unreal approach) but it's slower without help unfortunately! I'm thinking maybe using geometry nodes ti create the weight group to have the grass! You could easily simulate wind occlusion by objects using some raycast in the wind direction :) super amazed by it btw!


AH! I've been specifically wondering if you could use raycasting to create wind-free zones in the lee of hills and stuff! Yeah I think you could get vastly better results with geometry nodes- this way cuts a lot of corners (I'd LOVE to figure out a way to get the grass to bend?? It seems like it should be possible??) I'd love to see your geonodes results!


For a extra basic result It's hella easy, you basically need a texture to drive toward a given direction the curve lines, and to bend them you need to multiply the noise by the spline parameter, so to create a vertical gradient! It works great for the bend but it have huge problems of interpolation like this, I'll tag you on Twitter tomorrow after I'll work a bit more on it and send over the file if the result fancy you!


This grass is fun!


Wow, I didn't know you could do that without ticking the hair dynamics on. It's so much faster and gives more control (in my opinion, at least). Also, at the beginning, you said you thought of using a cloth sim to do it, reminded me of this dude who made dynamics plants with minimal physics sim. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPbqx-4oCSY&list=PL9ec8FN_VRy8uq7xgA5yFOuF6on8FbTSM&index=1


This is literally what I was looking to create today! 🌿 🔅


I am curious now.. is it worth the additional pre-process time rendering with motion blur? are there any alternative workflows or do we need to just... deal with it if we need it for the shot? Maybe skip optix if that's where the extra time cost is coming from? or would that end up balancing out to be about the same since the render time would bump up?


You can render a vector pass (or generate the vectors yourself) and do the motion blur in comp. Of course, it won't look as good. But for wide shots I'd say you could get away with it


It's honestly not too prohibitive- I was just able to render most frames in 15 seconds, and with motion blur it could jump to 40 (which- honestly isn't bad, IMO, but I also have a good GPU). ALTHOUGH- it seems like there's a threshhold, and I didn't encounter it unless I was trying to render something higher than 1080p? If it wasn't too high res, it would render in like 20 seconds, so I say try it, you might get lucky!


I love the way you present and teach, and how you share everything you make in as simple and digestible a way as possible. I have never subscribed to a Patreon until yours and I am very glad I did! Thank you for the amazing content and continual inspiration!


Sweet! Looking forward to playing with this. I'll bet flowers and other exotic dense stalked plants would be easy to do by modifying your grass system.


thanx for the grassets!


Thank you for this and for the cool descripton/video! Awesome


Those sample shots would be something I’d be so stoked to have rendered out myself! Especially the first one. You’re so good at just practicing one tool/asset without turning it into a giant project that goes unfinished. Chefs kiss*


Beautiful you da GOAT mister Hubert


Cool! It would be fun to try this grass for some concept art

Steve C



Looks great! I've been so ensnared by geometry nodes that's it's easy to forget that the good ol' particle systems are still a completely valid solution. Also re: the realism. My 6-year old daughter came by as I was watching this, asks what it is and I go "he's showing how to make tall grass!", and show the initial demo clips. She just instantly goes "well, it looks kinda real but the movement isn't THAT convincing" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Thank you, man


Ian, I'm at the beach and this beach grass doesn't wave around like this in the beach wind. It just kinda bounces, y'know?

Michael Lau

so amazing!thank you!!!