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Don't share this link just yet! I'm posting it officially... some time tomorrow?? Already shared an earlier version with the tier 25 folks ages ago, so sharing it with everyone here now!

Please DO feel free to check the subtitles for mistakes!!

But yes.  2 episodes in as many weeks!! I doubt I'll ever do that again :P Honestly, I think Pete and A Single Point in Space work well together (one is quite silly and the other is quite dry), and while folks'll probably find it a little frustrating in a "does this ever fit together?" department, I do like introducing the idea that specific episodes can have their own "identity".

So far each episode has had a little secret task/challenge I wanted to tackle with it, and the challenge with this one was "can we capture that stupid high-school-backyard-filmmaking energy that got us into filmmaking in the first place?"

I should sleep, but I wanted to share this before I hit the sack!

Massive thanks to all the people who helped get this finished (including you, if you're reading this! Thank you so much for being here!) Thank you so much for letting me focus all my energy on this!

Okay sleep time. 


(No title)



Fking amazing. I mean, the city/world you’ve constructed for all these movies is just incredible.


fantastic sir you are amazing


On my third watching and I keep wondering, can the crabs speak?! Please let the crabs speak! Ok! Gonna watch all three in a row now! High five Ian!


Any word on a high quality download? ❤️


Yo you should put that song in the credits onto Spotify and apple music, I love it, feels like your world


Are you going to do a retrospective breakdown of the last two episodes like you did with the boat shoot and salad mug?

Michael Ben Silva III

Totally agree! I keep going back to replay 'I am the Disoster' and I would also love to be able to have it mp3 style


This prompted me to finally become a patron, absolutely weird and awesome. You are a wizard


Amazing vfx. But... Idk if you were serious with the acting cause it was... gonna be honest, really really cringy no offense😅


This was just amazing!!!, Russ Boy and the freeway pirates were absolutely my favorites. Thank you so much Ian!!!


Personally, the whole thing is a love letter to manic 2005-era high-school indie filmmaking (in the wrapper of an unreliable narrator telling you a story at a bar), so mileage is definitely going to vary :P But I was serious about the unseriousness!


Okay I see. I met no offense though, it's pretty extraordinary what you can do without massive sets or large productions.

Wandering Wolf

This made me cry with how amazing it is. I love the characters, the nonchalance that Pete has, and the crazy radiation-asparagus battle with the King of the Mall! Thanks for making your imagination into something we can all experience and enjoy. BTW, love the song.


This is really good, the part where Pete said the king og them all was inside his mind, but pete also said now im in my mind made me think of lucid dreaming/astral projection. Makes me wonder if that was an inspiration? Thanks for an amazing video:)