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[OK! I think I figured out the colorspace issue- sorry about that.]

It's out! Dynamo Dream Episode 2 - A Single Point in Space!

WOO! Thank you all SO much everyone here for helping make it happen! Seriously- I've been able to focus on this way way more than I would have otherwise, and for the first time I'm feeling pretty optimistic!

The 4k version seems to be streaming well on some systems, but isn't buffering great on others (although the opening Primordial Chaos will probably always resist compression (and I'm enough of a dork that I kind of like that, conceptually))- but I'm hoping it just hasn't propagated to other global servers yet?

In the meantime, if anyone wants to download a high-res version (5gb or 10gb) directly, you can do it here:

Single Point in Space 7 Gigs
Single Point in Space 4 Gigs (recommended, probably)

I'm really happy with it! This was one of those "made in the edit" experiences. I mean, that's always how it goes, but especially with this one; even though we filmed the script, the original timeline was just a bunch of contextless footage of a guy sitting around on a greenscreen, and I'm delighted that the final episode feels in any way like a cohesive experience :D.

This episode also marked the start of a new kind of workflow- everything before's always been very seat-of-the-pants, but a system's slowly developing that makes me really think that we might be able to wrap these things up a bit faster. I'm actually really excited about the story (been working on it for 16 years!) and I was worried for a while I'd let the production value get in the way of that, but I think we've found some ways in the coming months to get the story told without sacrificing quality- I'll talk more about it soon!

I want to do a breakdown or two, but let me know if you have any specific questions! I'm also excited to focus on the patreon for a bit, here- I got a little carried away wrapping up this episode the past few weeks.

I hope all is well, and thank you all again!!!


A Single Point in Space - DYNAMO DREAM, Episode 2

Now it's in space! Infinite thanks to everyone on the Patreon for making this possible: https://www.patreon.com/IanHubert Tutorials, assets, and behind-the-scenes! Episode 3 https://youtu.be/JM_WPiT6NRQ



Quick fix for the black levels: import into premiere > right click on the clip > modify > interpret footage > go to color management section at the bottom and select color space override to Rec.709

Davide Bertolini

My fix for the black levels on Linux was opening it with SMPlayer and lowering gamma to about -40 in the video equaliser. I think SMPlayer has a windows version as well, it's a really good player


Yes, please do some breakdowns for us, current videos do cover the basics but there's a lot of new techniques I see that can be covered among us here someday.


Hello Ian, could you please post the music for this episode somewhere that we can listen to it. In particular the end credits song is simply amazing and I would love to just have that on repeat for the rest of my life!!! Thank you!!


You did such a good job Ian!!! 😭😭😭 so proud of you man! Keep going strong! You’re making great things and stuff 😍☺️🤩🥳😜

Niels Hoogland

Holy moly, that is insane! Nice work man!


Omg that was so good. I don’t even know what to say. So so good


Black levels in Quicktime 10.5 ruined my first experience with Episode 2, unfortunately. Quicktime 7 does not alter the look of the overall youtube colour space, but with the 5Gb download version I was surprised that it did that, exposing greyish blacks. Going extra to Premiere and fixing a 5G file plus export might be a tad too much for me, I guess...;)


absolutely beautiful!!


Brilliant, had me transfixed from start to finish


This was so good! the textures just blew my mind! Thank you.

Davide Bertolini

After several rewatches I can say that this is my favourite episode so far


I´m new to your patreon, and I was insanely impressed. Love all the design work.